Red Arrow x Reader

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(Y/N)- Your Name
(Y/H/N)- Your Hero Name

Your Pov

"So let me get this straight, you guys hacked the League's data files, took a League mission without permission, and saved China?" Batman asked in his normal emotion.

Red Arrow, Aqualad and I are in some deep trouble. One, I'm the one who hacked the system for Red because he asked and two, Aqualad and I aren't League members and didn't get Batman's approval on the mission. Saved China, but Sports Master and Cheshire got away. Lex got all the credit. Dang him! That's not the worst part of my night but Roy was so flirting with Cheshire!

" Red Arrow is a league member but you can not do anything with out all approval of this mission. Aqualad is your friend but no yours to take advantage of in this. But (Y/H/N), I expected more from you. You're next in line to become a League member and yet act without permission to go on this type on mission. It looks like we'll have to rethink our decision on you." Batman said and left.

" Sign-, well that was harsh." I said with a sarcastic tone.

" We do not blame you for wanting to help us , (Y/H/N). " Aqualad said.

"I'm not. I'm sorry that I was there to being with. You shouldn't be apologizing, Roy is." I said with my hand on my head.

" What? Why me? We were trying to save civilians in that room." Roy argued back.

" Not the point. How could you let Sports Master and CHESHIRE get away?" I asked

" (Y/N), calm down. Roy must have a good explanation for what he did. " Kalur look at Roy and so did I.

Roy was quiet. It's like he planned everything from the beginning. What kind of jerk does he think he is? First my crush flirts with the enemy and let's her get away? Wow I'm a real idiot for liking this jerk.

"I don't care what relationship you have with her, this isn't the first time you let them get away." I said angrily.

" Roy is this, what (Y/H/N) saying is true?" Aqualad asked. He didn't say anything.

" So you now have nothing to say? Here's a run down. You told two uninformed protégés on a mission without permission, you let the enemies get away without notifying one of us for back up and risk our positions on the these team. What were you thinking?" I said with agitated voice.

"Yes it's true. But I didn't let th-." I cut him off. I had enough of this. All ever did was agree with everything Roy said back then because I liked him. But today was the realization that I've got to stop during the fight. I risk my spot and chance to be on the League just because of him. It's time to stand up and do things my way.

"I don't want to hear it. You risked something important to Aqualad and I. Our goal to become Leaguers. It's late, I should go back to my city and study. Bye" I said and walk to the Zata-Tubes.

(Y/H/N)- B00 ( You live in Star City )

I opened my cold apartment door and hoped on my bed. Man, that was the worst thing I ever done for a boy. UHHHH! It's 9:37 pm, I should shower and change before I study.

••••••••••••••••20 Minutes Later •••••••••••••

I got out of the bathroom dressed in a black long sleeve shirt and navy blue shorts while my hair was up in a towel.  I grabbed my backpack and took out the subjects I need to study for.

About 2 hours go by and it was 11: 46pm. My hair was all aired dried. I stood up and headed to the bathroom again to brush my hair. Not even 2 minutes in I heard a tap on my window by my dresser. I saw a red haired boy wearing a archery costume that I've seen before. Roy Harper! Why the heck is he here?

" Are you going to let me in? It's freezing out here." He said

" Good, you must feel like Mr. Freeze now. Cold hearted." I said to him on the other side of the window.

"(Y/N), please." Roy said taking off his mask.

" Sign, fine but you have 5 minutes to explain to me why your here this late." I said with my arms crossed. He stepped into my bedroom and looked around. Then he turned to my desk.

" You weren't kidding when you said you need to study" Then he picked up my math paper. " 14 is wrong FYI."

" 4 minutes, Red." I said ready to kick him out.

" Listen. I'm here to apologize to you. I really missed up. And I'm guessing Artemis filled you in with the last mission I when on with you guys."

" Sure did. She may be a trader in your eyes but she still my friend." I said slowly losing my patience.

" I didn't mean to upset you and put you on probation to be on the League. You didn't need to come anyway." He said leaning against the wall. That just triggered me and then it cooled.

" Wow, so I'm not that important to you? How about you go to your bad girlfriend you let get away. I don't have time to deal with you." I said

" What? She isn't my girlfriend! And trust me you are important to-" He stopped covering his mouth with us hand. Was he going to?  No away?

" What? * smirk * so you do care about me? Should've thought about that before you put my spot on the League on the line! I can't believe I ever liked you......" oh smack.

" Oh this is music to my ears." He said leaning in closer to me.

" Shut up! You haven't been yourself lately! Ever since you didn't want to join the others and I. What's gotten in to you?" I asked looking up to him.

" Because I started liking someone and wanted to become better to impress them. And also protect them. " His eyes started looking into mine. I was surprised it this new information. Then he grabbed my hand.

"You did" I asked blushed

" That's why I didn't want you to go on today's mission. But when with us anyway. I wasn't trying anything to prevent you to become a League member." He said while cupping my cheeks. I put my hands on top of his. I cried to cry.

" I'm sorry...sniff. I'm really sorry. I blamed you for all this. It's my fault." I said

" No it's not. You've been there for me from the start. We just took different paths. That's all. Quit crying so I can give you something."

" And that would be?"

" This" he kissed my lips. Warm and sweet. "Better?" He asked

" Only if your the one doing it."

Omg that was so cheesy!!!! lol Comment and vote! Sorry for the late update! I have many thing to do.

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