Boom pt2

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"Boom! " You all heard the noise . The ground shook, making everything else shake. You fall down on your back as the shaking kept going for 1 and a half minutes. Some of the other members were bracing themselves on the floor. Little crumbles of dirt fall from the mountain. then it stopped.

" What the heck is going on? Was that an earthquake? " Bart asked

" The mountain scanners  didn't sense anything or notifying of earthquakes. It looks like it only came from the mountain, we need to check it out." Tim said typing away on the computer.

It's like every time you come, something is for start going to happen, good or bad as it is. 4 years of no accidents yet you still have bad luck with not making things happen. When will this luck end??

" I'll go check outside." Bart said putting on his mask then running out. He came back in 5 seconds. " I didn't find anyone but I did find these things ." He holds up black feather and a long silver star earring. Odd these kinda look familiar but where have you seen it before?

" Scan the computer and the cameras from outside again. " Dick said putting on his mask. " We'll test the projects Impulse just brought in, split up into groups. We're heading outside. "

Tension fills the air around you. The rush of action that you've been missing for the pass years have come back and you want to hop back into the action. Besides, you have a good feeling that you can help out.  " I'll go with you." You said to them. They look at each other for second, then look back at you with a face of worry.

" I dunno, don't you think your a bit rusty at the moment? I mean you just came back from collage and-" you cut off Beast Boy. With the snap of your fingers, your suit appeared on you out of thin air. You swooped your hair back and looked at them with a cold stare.

" You wanna test that theory?" You asked

" I wouldn't mess with the one and only (Y/H/N) . " Superboy said

"Besides with the new members being at school, it's like the original  team is back in the game." Mrs.M added

" Meaning Red Robin, Beast boy, Impulse, Blue  and the rest will stay here till then if we need back up , did I get your names right?" You questioned them

"Aww what? That is so not crash of you (Y/H/N)." Impulse acting like a little kid.

"We can't have the newbies coming in and messing around. " you said

" She's right and let the original team do a job, it's been forever since we've done together." Z said

" I'm fine with that." Red Robin said jumping back into his chair.

Time skip to the bio ship

Your POV
It was silent. Moments ago we were so excited to work together again. It's just feels weird without someone, one that was yellow and red. I shouldn't be even be thinking about this. Everyone misses him, no one can forget that knucklehead. I signed as I looked outside and then to my friends, I guess you can call them.

My team decided to split 2 years after what happened to Wally. Black Baron or Brandon went to college and had started to take over in his dads foot steps to run a business. Aurora finished high school and now in her 1 year of collage. The other two were called by Batman ,but soon left the group and didn't say a word. Probably two secret League members? Who knows what their up to?

Me? I also went to college and graduated. I'm doing a couple more years to really find out what I want to do. Bats is paying for it because of all those secrets and things I'm not supposed to tell to keep me quiet. Speaking of quiet, this silence is killing me, so I broke it.

" So, how have you guys been?" I asked as I got their attention. Stares of confusion and a bit of worry were  mixed in. Did they not know what to answer? Or its weird  that I'm here because I'm from another team? Something they need to tell me?

" We don't mean to be rude, (Y/N) . It's just we have questions and then 4 years with no answers." Megan began to trail off . They stare at me as if I did something wrong, which was true. We , my team , never told them about the missions we when on or why we were kept in the dark from them. Why I choose to be with my team instead of them? I'm the jerk.

" Batman didn't tell us what happened after your team disbanded. Only that you guys decided to split and didn't come back. " Zatanna informs

" We were lied to and even betrayed for this long (Y/N). Tell us what you guys did? Why did the League choose you to lead that team?" Super boy asked a bit in rage.

I was shocked that they still had these questions, yet who could blame them. They made their team to do missions the League couldn't. My team, we were the same ,but we were made for a different purpose.

We were made to kill.

To be continued....

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