Nightwing x Reader

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Bear with me here, this is going to be a little lengthy because I went a little overboard.

(Y/N) Your name
(Y/S/N) Your Superhero Name

Nightwing and (Y/N) have known each other since she was born. Yeah, he's 2 years older than her. But they're still good friends. (Y/N) has a crush on him and hasn't told him. Unfortunately, Dick is dating Zatanna at the moment and (Y/N) doesn't ruin their relationship because she's one of Zatanna's best friends as well. (Y/N) is happy, cheerful and well... deep down she's hurting herself.

Your Pov
" Hai hai Wally! Hello Artemis!" I said skipping in happily into the kitchen.

" Someone's happier than usual?" Artemis responded back.

" What's the occasion little (Y/S/N)?" Wally said while eating some chips.

" Batman told me I was doing extremely good for my age! I can probably become leader soon! Squeal!" I said with a huge smile.

" Good for you. You've been doing great lately actually." Artemis commented

" Cool, are you and Nightwing still going on patrol? He would be so jealous." Wally asked

" Yep! I learn from one of the best!" I said excitingly. Then the computer announce someone coming from Zata- tubes.

Nightwing- B01

"(Y/S/N)! Just the best friend I was looking for." Nightwing said walking over

" Hi Night Birdie! What's up?" I asked walking towards him.

" I wanted to know if you be ok with an other partner tonight?" He asked so casually.

" Wh-why not? Do you have something to with Batman? Is it a dangerous mission?" I asked holding back my disappointment.

" Not actually, Zantana wants to go on a date tonight and I promise to go with her the next time she asked. " He said so calmly.

"'s fine, Wonder Girl wanted to talk with me about something since last week. We needed to catch up on things. Great timing." Yeah, the worst timing.

"I'll go with you next week, I promise." Nightwing said running back to the Zata-tubes .

Why bother with another partner? This is the 15th time he ditched me for something Zatanna related. I'll be going by myself thank you very much!

-------------------Time Skip--------------------

I was patrolling the area for a good five hours now and nothing is happening. I really wanted some action right now because of that backstabbing best friend of mine did to me. But I really couldn't stay mad at him. It's not my nature anyways. I'm was so positive and opened minded. Sometimes I just feel like I'm a egg head.

"(Y/S/N)! There you are! You know cats don't like looking for things." Said Catgirl. Catgirl is a good friend of yours and your moms friend. ( As Stella Kyle ) When you guys fight each other, you guys usually talk during that time when her mother wants to come and 'chat' . " So no scratching you or kicking you today? What's got your tail in a trap? It's not like you to call me out here when there's no fun."

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