Issac x Male reader

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Issac POV

Derek had just chained Erica, Boyd and I. It was our first full moon and soon we began to feel the affects.
Issac:How do we start in control?
Derek: You find an anchor.
Issac: What's that?
Derek: Something that keeps you human.
Issac: What's yours?
Derek: Anger. But yours doesn't have to be the same it can be a person or a feeling.

Once he was done explaining I felt the affects of the full moon and so did everyone but Derek."Find an anchor Find an anchor Find an anchor." As thought filled my head one person did seem to calm me down. That person was the one and only (y/n), my best friend. Once I broke the chains and exited the subway carts I began to think about him. The way he makes me feel, how he laughs at my stupid jokes, and most of all how he was there for me when my father would abuse me. I then realize that I have always had feelings for him and i smile. Once I regain control I go back in time before Erica or Boyd can attack Derek even further. I attack them and knock them out. I look back at Derek and he looks at me in surprise. After I change back and Derek re-chained the other two he came towards me.
Derek: "So you found your anchor?"
Issac: "Yeah. Its a person."
Derek: "Can I know who this person is?"
Issac: "It's my best friend, (y/n)."
He nods and hose back to check on the others.

---------Next Day-----------

I was walking down the halls looking for (y/n). I wanted to tell him about my feelings. I soon see the (brunette, blonde,ect) and walk up to him.
(Y/n):"Hey Issac. How was it last night?"
Did I forget to mention he knew about the supernatural.
Isaac: "Yea I found out what my anchor is well who it is."
(Y/n): "Really? Who is it?"
Issac: "It's hard to say. But first can I tell you something​?"
(Y/n):"Yeah sure."
Issac: "But can you promise it won't ruin our friendship​?"
He nods
Issac: "Alright Well I wanted​ t-to tell y-ou that*breathes* I wanted​ to tell you that I have feeling for you infact I always have. You've been there for me the moment we met and you continue to. You always make me smile and every time you hug me I always have butterflies in my stomach. (Y/n) I want you to be my boyfriend. I know you probably don't return my feelings but please if you just give me the chance to show you how happy I can make you, even then I'll be happy.
I wait for his response
(Y/n): "Issac. Just you telling me how you feel was enough for me to say yes."
I smile and capture his lips and spin him around causing him to giggle. The cutest giggle I ever heard in fact. As I lean my forehead on his I see his beautiful (e/c) eyes looking back at me smiling. I was the happiest I've ever been in my life from then on.

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed and continue to enjoy the work I do. Don't forget tell me what you thought about this story and request if you'd like

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