Issac x Depressed Male reader

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I apologise if this is in-acurrate to being depressed also I would recommend you listen to the song above while you read.

Your Pov

It was just another day for me. Lonely and boring. I was currently taking a stroll through Beacon Hills. I usually do this, it helps me get close to clearing my mind. Why do I do this? Well that is because I don't have anyone. My parents were killed by a accident and my oldest brother was in prison.

As I continue with my stroll I lose track of where I am and wonder into an unknown area of Beacon Hills. I return my focus to see that I'm some area in the woods. I begin to look for a way out as the sky progresses to become darker. After what felt like an hour I stumble across what seems to be hour I give up. Just stand there in silence as my thoughts begin to take over.

'Why should I try? I mean it won't matter. I got no one. No parents. No relatives that care for me. No friends. What's the point?'
I sit down and allow myself to just break down. As I just sit there I begin to become cold.

Issac Pov
As I patrol the woods I come across the sound of sobs. It being my job to patrol the woods I carefully look for the sound. As I go farther and farther into the woods the sound becomes louder. Soon I'm in front of the source of the noise. It was a male, more specifically a male I know.

It was (Y/n). But why was here? I walk closer to him, careful to not make a sound. Unfortunately this being the woods I step on a twig, snapping it under my weight. He looks up and I see a face that breaks my heart.
I: Are you ok?
He just stays silent.
I:You know it's dangerous to be out here at night. Especially alone.
Y:Yeah I know.
I:Then why are you here?
Y:Cause I'm lost.
I: Don't you have someone you can call.
He puts his head down once again and shakes his head. I smell his chemosignals and smell depression emitting from him.
I walk up to him and sit down.
I:Have you tried calling the sheriff's department?
Y: There's no point.
I:What do you mean?
Y:No will notice I'm gone.
I: I'm pretty sure your friends would notice.
Y: Didn't you hear me. No one will notice. Meaning I don't have friends nor do I have a family. No would care if I went missing.
I: I would. I'm not sure if you've ever noticed me, but I have you for a few classes. Not only that but remember I'm your friend.
Y: You're just saying that.
I: (Y/n) we used to be friends before. What happened to you?
Y:Life happened.
I:What do you mean?
Y:Both of my parents are dead, my brother went to prison. Non of my relatives even care about me. And as I grew older I realized that the people you call friends are just fake. I have no one.
I: Doesn't matter. You should still try.
Y:No I shouldn't. Look I've been gone for hours and no one even looked for me. I could die right now and no one except you would know.
I:That doesn't me I wouldn't care.
Y: Yes it does. The only thing that would happen if you left and I died you would feel guilty.
I:You need to understand that I care for you.
Y:No you don't.
I:Yes I do.
Y:No you don't.
I:YES I DO. Y/n I've cared for you for a long time.
Y:Have you really?
I:Look at me.
He doesn't look up so I grab his head to see the shine he would always have is gone. This only saddens me. I embrace him and begin to speak once again.
I:You need to understand that the moment you closed me off that broke my heart. When I saw you stop smiling it only made it worse. Do you want to know why? It's because I've had a crush on you since sixth grade. You were so perfect to me (Y/n). And you always be. So even if you don't see you're self as worth it I'll show you.
Y:Why do you want to waste your time in me? I'm not special.
I pull back and look at him
I: I want to do it because you are special, you're special to me.
I hug him once more
I:So please allow me to show you.
Y:Are you sure you would want to waste your time on me?
I:Yes. Like I said before. I care for you. Always have Always will. You're worth it to me. So I'll be here helping you go back to the way you were.
Y:Thank you Issac.
He returns my hug suddenly , catching me off guard at first before I tighten the hug. We sit there in silence just allowing us to bask in the moment. I listen to his heart beat, once I hear it's relaxed pace I could tell he had fallen asleep. I gently pull back to see I was right and just look at him as for the first time he seems relaxed. I carefully lift him so that one arm is under his knees and the other just below his neck, as I walk through the woods and look at the moon I realized it was a full moon. I didn't even notice it. As I walk back I spot Derek's car with him in front of it. He lifts his head and sees me. He arches and eyebrow as in question. I motion for him to open the passenger seat. He opens the door and I gently lay (Y/n) down. Once I stand again Derek speaks.
D:Who is that?
I:His name is (Y/n).
D:What was he doing out in the forest?
I: Waiting for death. He got lost and just gave up.
D: Wouldn't his family worry about him.
I:He lost his family. Why do you think that there wasn't a search party?
D:I see. Get in the car.
We get in the car and drive off.
I:Where are we going?
D:Back to the loft. He'll be staying with us for a bit.
I:I'm surprised that you're doing this.
D:I can relate to the kid. Not only that but I can see the way you looked at him.
I:What I can I say. I care for him and I always will.

There ya have it. Hope you enjoyed it. Next up is a smut one shot so stick around. That is if you want. Have a great day hope you started the year off right.

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