Void Stiles x Male reader

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It was a regular day for (y/n), going to school get his work done and go home. Well that's he thought at least. It was late when your shift ended, as you get home the lights are on.

Your Pov

As I walk near my house I notice the lights on."That's weird Mom and Dad should still be out of town."  Walking to the door I slowly open the door, careful to not make any noise. As I enter your home leaving the door open ajar. I walk slowly and quietly around and notice no one's. "Did I leave the lights on before I left. No I didn't." Still paranoid I reach for my pocket, reaching for my phone. I hear a creak and stop. I turn around and see a person standing there. As I back away the person walks closer. Getting a better look they seem to be wearing a ninja like outfit. A force stops me and I feel hands around me. I look behind me to see another one holding my arms. I look forward to see the first one in front of me before I could respond he knocks me out. As darkness consumes me I hear a voice before becoming completely unconscious.
?????:Get him out of hear.


Third person Pov

The next day comes and Scott arrives in front of your door and sees it open. Sensing danger he enters and sees the  light on. He begins to smell around and smell you and another one. When he recognizes the other smell he calls Derek Lydia along with Kira and her mother. When they arrive to his house they know it's bad news.
Derek:What happened?
Scott:They took him.
Scott:They took (y/n).
Lydia:What? How do you know?
Scott: I went to his house and saw the door open. When I got inside the lights were on and I smelled them. They got (y/n).
Ethan: Who is that again?
Scott: He's a friend of ours.
Noshiko: We have to get him back. Who knows what he'll do to him.

As the begin to make a plan on how to get you back before Void can do anything to you, you regain conscious.

Your Pov
As I regain consciousness I see I'm in a dark room tied to a chair. I keep looking around and hear a door open. Light seeps though showing a dark figure enter the room.
????: I see you're wake. How do you feel?
I try to speak but realized I had tape on my mouth.
????:Oh right. Let me take that off.
He walks towards me and takes off the tape from my mouth.
Y: Who are you? Where am I.
?????: *Chuckle* I'm who they call Void. Or who you know me, Stiles.
Y: Stiles? Why am I here?
V.S: Because you belong to me. That simple.
He walks closer and I see a very pale Stiles. But I knew just by looking, this wasn't Stiles. Seeing him brought back a memory.
Flash back
I was at my locker and see Scott and Lydia.
Y:Oh. Hey guys.
Scott:Hey (Y/n). Have you seen Stiles?
Y: No I haven't seen him since Tuesday.
Lydia:You haven't seen him at all?
Y: No Why? Has he gone missing?
Scott: More or less. Look just stay away from him for now.
Y: Why?
Scott: He's not himself. Just if you see him call us and stay away from him.
Y: Alright I will.

Flash back ends

I look at him and can feel danger radiate from him.
Y:Why did you bring me here?
V.S: So I can have you all to myself. I couldn't get anywhere near you with those damn pests around you all the time.
Y:Why me though?"
He begins to walk around me stopping behind me.
V.S: Because you've caught my attention the most.
I feel his breath on my neck
V.S: Your voice, your eyes, and most of all your body. Just looking at you is intoxicating. So what better way to enjoy you all to my self then to take you away from them.
Y: They'll find me and take you away.
His laughter fills the room.
V.S: I made sure they won't. They won't get past my minions. You're mine (y/n) forever.
He then proceeds to kiss down my neck.
"Someone please help me"


It had been days probably weeks since was I was brought to this place. He would try to feed me but I refuse to. I'm reluctant enough to drink water but not the food. I was sitting in the dark silence. It was silent until I heard a scream.
It went quiet. "What Happened?"  A minute later someone enters the room. The person seems to be well built. They rush to me and can barely get a good look of them due to the dark. They rip off the rope and carry me out of the room. They take me out side and I begin to loose consciousness."Again really?"

Time skip

I have no idea what happened to Void. It had been day since I was relocated and I'm extremely hungry. "I really hope someone finds me."  I lose consciousness once again but I had no idea if I would wake up once again.

With Scott and the others

Stiles: What do mean you guys still haven't found him?
Scott:We knew he was in the compound during the fight. But when we looked around he was gone.
Derek:Do you think you know where he might be?
Stiles:No. Can't you guys sniff him out or something?
Scott:We tried but it's hard to locate him. The scent is to faint to smell him out.
Stiles:Have you guys at least reported it.
Scott: We did but they couldn't find him.
The pack as of right now were worried no one's been able to find you. It had been almost an entire month. Some of the deputies wanted to pronounce you dead but Sheriff Stilinski didn't allow it. The silence was broken by Scott's phone. He saw it was Lydia calling.
Scott: What's Lydia?
Lydia:I think I found (Y/n).
Scott stood up.
Scott:Are you sure?
Lydia: Yeah but I need your help. He's chained down.
Scott: Alright where r u?
Lydia: A mile away from they compound.
Scott:Alright we're on our way.
He hung up and looked at Stiles and Derek.
Scott:Lydia found (Y/n).
They rush out and drive off. As they grew closer they sniffed out where Lydia was. They soon found her location. They follow her scent and find her next to a fragile thin person chained to a chair. They were relived that they found you but when Derek and Scott heard your heart beat they worked quick to get you out of the chains. They put you in Derek's car since it was the fastest. He drove to the Hospital as quick as he can. Once arriving he took you inside and demaded help. After a few minutes The others arrive and ask if you're ok.
Melissa: Relax he's ok just needs some fluids and rest, he'll be fine. Comeback tomorrow. The doctors said he most likely won't be awake till then.
They refuse to leave and stay the night.

As sunlight seeped through you woke up. Looking around you realize you're in the hospital. Minutes later Melissa walks in and sees you're awake.
Melissa:Oh good you're awake. Do you need anything?
You gesture towards the water and she pours you a glass. You chug down the liquid and speak.
Y: How'd I get here?
Melissa:Derek  brought you. Everyone is out side waiting for you to wake up.
Do you want them to come in?
Y:If they want.
She exits and sends them in. First is Stiles. He let's out a relived sight and goes to hug you as the others enter. But back away. He sees this and frowns.
Scott:(Y/n) it seems like we need to tell you somethings.
After they explain everything from Scott and his bite all the way to today.
After you process it all you signal for Stiles to come closer and hug him

Sorry if it sucks but I just got back to writing. So I still need to get back to my groove. So yeah hope you enjoy. I have a few more requests that I need to work on so stay tuned. Thank you all.

Gay Teen wolf x male reader (Request Closed)Where stories live. Discover now