Young Derek x Male reader

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Since no one was requesting I might as well

(Y/n)and Derek had known about each other. Derek knew (y/n) was an amazing student he always kept to himself, the only time they had spoken was when Derek needed help. (Y/n) knew Derek since he was one of the popular people, and since he had him in some of his classes. Since the two would be paired up in almost every class the became friends. The two began getting closer almost inseparable, the knew almost everything about each other. Well other than Derek's huge crush on (y/n). That's right the cocky and popular Derek Hale had a crush on his best friend.

Derek Pov

It was the day before (y/n)'s birthday and I was going to his house to give him something. It was a bag of new clothes, he poor or anything it's just that he never wears anything nice. As in he wears baggy clothes so I asked him for his clothes sizes which for some reason his pants size is pretty big for God knows what reason. I mean I know he's a (sh/s) but his pants are a bit big for him. I arrive at his house and knock on the door. A minute later he answers the door.
Y/n:"Hey Derek. What's up?"
Derek:" I just wanted to give you this."
I lift the bag of clothes and he takes it from my hand and looks in the bag and back at me and smiles.
Y/n:"I knew were going to buy me clothes. But my question is. Why?"
Derek:"Because I want you to look nice for your birthday tomorrow."
Y/n:" Derek you know it don't celebrate my birthday."
Derek:" Well tomorrow you. Now I want to see how you look in the clothes I bought.Come on"
I let my self in and drag him to his room.
Y/n:"Fine but I really hope you bought the right size of pants."
Derek:"Yes now go change. I really want to see how you look."
He sighs and walk to his bathroom and I wait for a few minutes and he comes out with what I bought him which was a black T and some relax fit jeans. When he came out the shirt fit him right.
Y/n:" I was really hoping you got me bigger pants to be honest." When I saw the pants they looked like they were fitted, as in they were snug around his things which is weird since they shouldn't be. I walked around him looking at the clothes and saw something that turned me on so much. The pants were hugging his ass, which I never noticed was pretty big and round'Fuck his ass is huge, if I didn't want him before, seeing how big his ass is definitely will.'
As I kept staring at it my mind was drifting off into very dirty, lewd thoughts.
Derek:"T-They look good. I-I don't see what's wrong."
He sighs again.
Y/n:" I just really don't like fitted pants. You know that."
I walk back in front of him with my hands in front of my crotch, trying to hide my erection.
Derek:"But I want you to look nice tomorrow. They look great on you."
Y/n:" I'm not going to wear them Derek."
Derek:"Please for me."
I give him the best puppy face I can. He hesitates but resopnds
Y/n:*sigh*"Fine. But please never make that face again."
Derek:"Why? You can't resist it?"
Y/n:"No. It's just disturbing on you."
I frown at him
Derek:"I hate you."
Y/n:" Oh shut up. You love me."
I mumble to my self 'You no Idea.' while sratching the back of my neck.
Derek:"Well I gotta get going it's getting late."
Y/n:" You act as if you don't wonder through the dark during the full moon. Or any moon really."
Derek:"Well my mom said there's hunters in town so she wants me home early."
Y/n:"Alright see ya tomorrow."

As I leave my mind goes back to how his ass looked in those jeans. Fuck did his ass look amazing. I knew he had an ass but not that big. Fuck I would do to it.


It was his birthday and I had his gift ready. All it really was, was a letter telling him how I feel about him and how I want to be with him. Obviously its also how he's been there for me even after I revealed my secret and what happened to Paige. I'm nervous though because what if he rejects me and doesn't want to be friends anymore. No I have to do it. As Peter was driving me to school we were having a conversation.
Peter:" So what are you going to give him for his birthday?"
Derek:" A letter."
Peter:"Really? Just a letter?"
Derek:"Yeah. You know he doesn't like material things."
Peter:"Let me guess. Its a letter about how feel about him?"
Peter:"Well from what you told me yesterday. If I were you I'd give something a little."
Derek:" What do you mean?"
Peter:" You know what I mean. Give him something he won't forget."
We arrive at the school and he parks
Derek:"I'm not sure what you mean."
Peter:*sigh*"Fuck him."
Peter:"If I were you I'd fuck him.Look there he is."
I look out the window to see him walking in the clothes I bought for him.
Peter:"Man you were definitely right. His ass is huge. If you don't fuck, I will."
I exit the car and run up to him and hug.
Derek:"Happy Birthday."
Y/n:"Hey Derek."
Derek:"So how's my favorite Birthday boy doing?"
Y/n:"Same as yesterday. Alive."
As we were walking I saw some guys looking (y/n) up and down. I listened in to their conversation."Damn look at that ass. He has bigger ass than any of the girls here.""I know dude it's so fucking hot. I'd definitely fuck that ass male or female." I growl and (y/n) looks at me.
Y/n:"Derek? What's wrong?"
Derek:"Nothing it's just that there are some guys talking about you."
Y/n:"Leave it. They're just douchebags."
Derek:"You sure? I don't want them bothering you on your birthday."
Y/n:"Ye I'm sure now let's get to class."
The day went on and I stayed by his side so that no guy would get near him. The day soon ended with Peter picking us up and took us to Y/n's house. He dropped us off and we went inside. We went up to his room and sat down on his bed.
Derek:"Hey I want to give you something."
Y/n:"Derek I don't like gifts either. But since I know how persistent you are. Fine."
I handed him the letter and watched him read the letter. As he read the letter he was smiling until the second page where he seemed to really focus on the words. I knew he was getting close to the part where i tell him how I feel. My heart was accurating as he kept reading. He then finished the letter/confession and looked at me. I was worried of what word he would say. He put the papers aside, I bit my lip and closed my eyes. All of a sudden I felt arms around me. I opened my eyes to see it was his arms. He was hugging me so I hugged him. Savoring the possibly last hug from him. He pulled back and looked at me, smiling giving me some hope.
Y/n:"Derek thank you. Honestly no one given me something like this. I'm also happy that now I know how you feel about me. I'm happy because now I know the feeling is mutual between us."
Derek:"Wait you mean..."
Y/n:"That I like? Yes in fact I have been for a while. Now I can really picture myself with you and know it's not a fantasy."
Derek:"So you like?"
I had the biggest most stupid grin grow on my face .
Y/n:"Mmhm maybe even love."
I kissed him, surprising him. He then returned the kiss. We separate and smile at each other.
Derek:"So does that mean that.."
Y/n:" We're together now. Yes it does."
I kiss him once again and wrap my arms around his waist, deepening the kiss. That was one of the happiest days of my life. I hope to never forget.

Well there ya go just something from my mind. I'm probably going to make a part two, I don't know it depends if no one requests anything. Let me know if you want a part two. So hopefully you enjoyed and have a great day

Gay Teen wolf x male reader (Request Closed)Where stories live. Discover now