Peter Hale x Male reader

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Peter Pov
     I was currently my dear nephew's loft just reading ,while he was with the two little brats. My reading was cut short when there was a knock at the Loft door. I was about to go answer the door but Derek stops me and answers it himself cautiously. He opens the door and a familiar scent hits my nose. I look to see Derek hugging someone, I hear the words they exchange with each other.
Derek:" It's nice to see you again."
????:"Same here. *Pulls Away from hug* Damn the years have certainly been good to you."
Derek:"Thanks.So what are you doing back in Beacon Hills?"
?????:"Well I wanted to see my favorite Hales."
When they walk into the loft I see a face I haven't seen in years. (Y/n) (L/n). The man I fell in love with before the fire. He was back.

     I stand in and he stops in his tracks. He looks at me and sighs and looks a Derek.
Y/n:"Is it like in Hale genes to have all the men become sexy. I swear.*Looks at me" Hey Peter. It's nice to see you again."
I pull him in a hug catching him off guard for a second till he hugs back.
Y/n:"Is there something wrong with Peter? Cause last time I remember him he was not a hugger."
Peter:"Shut up and enjoy it. You're the only person I would give hug to."
Y/n:"That's why I'm worried.*Chuckle* You never hugged me. Like ever."
We pull away. All I can focus on is the beautiful smile I haven't seen in years. The smile on the one and only (Y/n)(L/n). Everything was perfect. That is until the intolerable voice of the little pups was heard.
Scott:"Who's that?"
Derek:"Oh Scott Stiles. This is Y/n). (Y/n) this is Scott and Stiles."
He leaves my reach and greets the two.
Y/n:" Nice to meet you."
Scott:"You two."
Stiles:"Like wise."
Scott looks at him for a second and a grin makes it's way to his face.
Scott:"Wait. (Y/n)(l/n)?"
Stiles:"As in the (y/n) (l/n)?"
Y/n:"I take it you're a fan?"
Scott:"Hell yeah. We're huge fan"
Derek:"So I take it you came for more than a visit?"
Y/n:"That is a reason but the other is that I needed a break from the spotlight."
Peter:"So how are you gonna stay?"
Y/n:"For a few months."
I nod but internally I'm jumping in joy. I have to tell him before he leaves.
Derek:"Where are you going to be staying."
Y/n:"Haven't decided yet."
Peter:"You could stay with me."
Everyone looks at me in shock ,all except Derek who had an amused smirk on his face.
Y/n:"Thanks Peter. Hey you two wanna hang out for a bit?
Scott:"Yeah sure.
The two teens exit the loft along with the older male. Derek walks in front of me with his arms crossed  and a smirk on his face
Derek:"Oh Nothing. Just that you sounded a little too eager to offer him a place to stay."
Peter:"What's so wrong with offering a friend a place to stay."
Derek:"What's wrong is that it's you Peter. The man that doesn't offer anything unless it benefits himself.
His smirk grow to a grin
Derek:"You still have a crush on him don't you?"
Peter:"I don't have a crush on him."
Derek:"Oh right you're not crushing on him. You're in love with him."
Derek:"I knew it. What does he do anyways?"
Peter:"He's an (Musician/Actor)."
Derek :"Doesn't surprise me. So? You planning on telling him."
Derek:"Good luck with that."
I exit the loft

Time Skip

It's been weeks since (Y/n) moved in and now I remember why I fell in love with him. As the days grew into weeks I realized that I don't have much time to ask him. As the day goes in I can't help but think 'what if he says no or why would he even go out with me. I mean he's a famous (Musician/Actor) with a huge fan base so why would he even consider it?"
My thoughts are interrupted but the sound of the door open and close. I look to see that it was (Y/n) 'Have to do it now. If he rejects me I mean I have a two more months to try and mend our relationship back the way it was. Here goes nothing.'

    I stand up and walk up to him.
Peter:"(Y/n) I need to talk to you."
Y/n:"What's wrong?"
Peter:"Nothing's wrong. I just need to tell you something."
Y/n:"What is it?"
Peter:"(Y/n) I-I th-think.... It's great that you're back in Beacon Hills."
He looks at with a raised eyebrow.
Y/n:"That's it. Nothing else?"
Y/n:"You sure?"
'Damn it Peter. Don't chicken out. Come on you've face worse situations before. You can do this.'
Peter:"*Sigh*No that's not it. (Y/n) you and I have been friends for a very long time and a few months after we became friends. Something happened to me. Something I never thought would happen to me. I fell in love with another male. But not just any male. I fell in love with you. (Y/n) I fell in love with you, at some point I thought those feelings would go away but they didn't. It wasn't a crush it love, and it's still those damn feelings I had for you back then that I still have only stronger. So what I'm trying to say is that will you please go out with me?"
I began to hear his laugh and look down , 'I'm an idiot of course he wouldn't.'
Peter:"You don't have to laugh about it. You could have just said no."
He looks at me and stops laughing but still has a smile on his face.
Y/n:"Peter I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing cause it took you so long to finally grow some balls to tell me."
My eyes widen
Peter:"What do you mean?"
Y/n:"Peter I'm not stupid. I've known about your feelings about me for a long time."
Y/n:"It's a yes Peter. I've been waiting for you to make the first move."
I grin and hug him.

Time Skip

Interview: Now tell me I heard that you know have a boyfriend. Is it true?"
Y/n:"Yes it's true."
Interview:"What's his name?"
Y/n:"That is for now under wraps. But I can tell you I'm very happy we'er now together."

There ya go a Peter Hale x Male reader. So now I got a question. What did you pick Musician or Actor and what kind? Don't forget to request and tell me what you think. Have a nice day

Gay Teen wolf x male reader (Request Closed)Where stories live. Discover now