chapter one. {Edited}

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It was so cold!
the snow crunched under your winter mid-thigh boots, coated in a soft,matte material with soft white fluffy balls hanging from shoelaces that were tugged into tight bows.

You gripped at your coat abit and your lips quivered from the cold before they pursed into a thin line as you kept taking more and more steps into the cold.

Pulling the hoodie over your head, you looked around and found a rather dark shop but walked to it nonetheless,hoping maybe someone inside could help you or give you a cup of tea,coffee or anything that would warm your up.

You slowly opened the door and were met with different sized and colored coffins.Big and small ones,large,thick,small,thin coffins.But what caught your eye,was the man before you, that was chewing on what seemed to be dog treats.

"Uhm,Hello sir" you said softly as you walked closer to the man that was looking at a letter in his hand. "Oh hello ther-" he turned his head and gazed at you,his eyes covered by his grey bangs.

"My aren't you adorable" he moaned or more overly cooed out and you jerked back abit as your face scrunched up into a scowl. "Come closer child" You sighed and walked closer to him and stared at him,hoping he wouldn't try anything.

A large scar was in the middle of his face and his shiny grey bangs covered his eyes. "You're almost as cute as that little puppy boy" He laughs and holds his belly,his 'dog treat' falling from his mouth onto the letter that was on the table next to him.

"What are you here for?" he took your cold hands into his and you stared at his long black nails that were slightly raking against the back of your hand.

"I...I don't know to be honest sir" He kept grinning and held your hands close to his face as he sniffed them and kept grinning,causing you to kind of cringe at this strange behavior.

"may i ask what you're doing sir?" you asked. "You smell nice" he slid his hands up your arm to your shoulder and pulled you closer.You let out a slight growl as you stared at him,well,his chest mainly since that was all you could see.

"I should introduce you to the little pupper some time.I bet he'll like you~" He wrapped his arms around you tighter and enveloped you in a tight embrace .

You were utterly confused but just shrugged.

Sure, he does look like a person that doesn't have to do much with other people in general.He looks strange with his long grey tresses and those covered eyes.Those chains that are Hanging from his body and that outfit in general! Maybe he's just lonely...Or he's just a disgusting pervert.

You nodded to yourself and pet the weird man before you smiled at him.He's like a little a puppy.
heyyyyy first chapter cos like i barely have time atm to upload more chapters ^^; sorry buh i hope you're satisfied with this♡♡♡

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