Chapter twenty-five [Lemony content]

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You slowly walked to your room,Humming softly as you opened your door and made your way to your new closet.You slipped out of the robe soma had given you and got out a soft nightdress that was white with frills at the hem of the gown.

Sebastian knocked on your door and you told him to come in since you were already wearing the nightgown."Miss (y/n),The young earl from the trancy manor sent a letter that seems to be for you.I'd also like to inform you about...something more personal" He began and he walked closer to you,his eyes glowing more by each passing second."S-Sebastian i have to go to ciel in abit" You said but sebastian had alreay pinned you to the soft mattress and he began to run his hands up your thighs,still having your hands pinned by using his free hand.

"You're attractive,that's not a lie,You're scent drives me crazy and I want you to be mine" He growled out into your ear huskily then bit into your neck,Finding your sweet spot,He suckled on it and tortured it,biting,licking and sucking on it until you were a panting and moaning mess.Your eyes darted to the clock as you saw it was barely 8:26 pm."Let me have more of you" He growled out and sat up,gazing at his prey."I-i don't think it's a good idea,I mean you're a butler and this is actually cheating and i can't be doing this i-i-" You panicked slightly but sebastian pressed his finger to your lips and straddled your petite frame.

"If i'm correct you still have quite abit of time before having to go to the young master's room" He said and pulled off his gloves with his teeth,showing you his fangs."See,(y/n),I'm not just a simple butler,i'm not really from this world either" He said and you gasped softly as you felt nails trailing down your inner thighs slowly."I can pleasure you in about 10 minutes and you won't regret it,M'lady" He cooed into your ear and you shook your head,scared of him."Your skin is delicate" He cooes and your eyes kept darting to the clock.Barely 8:30,why was time passing way too slow?!

Sebastian rolled up the skirt of the gown and he kisses up your inner thighs to your panties,pulling them down with his teeth as he grinned at your shaking form."We shouldn't be doing this" You whimpered out again but let out a soft moan as sebastian trailed his tongue up your entrance slowly."S-Sebastian" You moaned out as he latched onto your bud,flicking his tongue against it slowly.Your thighs twitched each time his tongue came in contact with your sensitive bud.You closed your eyes and panted softly as sebastian kept sucking and teasing your little bud.

You bucked your hips slightly and sebastian pulled your hips closer as he trailed his tongue up your bud again,your entrance was dripping and your body was shaking violently.You whimpered as he flicked his tongue more,a knot building up in your stomach."S-Sebastian" you moaned out into your hand as you came and your legs twitched,jolts of pleasure ran through your whole body and you panted heavily,catching your breath as your eyes met his."You taste sweet" He said in a low tone and he pulled up your panties, pecking your lips gently.He sat you up and bit his lip,trying to keep himself from doing more to you,but he knew that he couldn't take your innocence away,your virginity.If he would,the young master would find out and that would not end well.It was about 8:50 and your brows furrowed slowly as you wondered how time passed so quickly now."I shall take you to the young master,seeing as you're...quite shaky" He laughed and held your arm for support."t-thank you" You said and made your way to Ciel's room with Sebastian in tow.

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