Chapter twenty nine

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The ball would start soon and you were quite a nervous wreck to be honest.

You couldn't find Ciel anywhere after Elizabeth had arrived.They were probably talking about calling off the wedding they had planned so many years ago and you understood that.

All you could do was play with the designs of the dress you were wearing.You thought about Ciel's interesting eyes but got pulled out of your trail of thought as someone,well more overly something jumped onto you,making you land on the polished floor with a thud.

It was the male with grey hair who jumped onto you just when you had arrived!

"Hello there" You smile at the childish male as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and let out playful whimpers."ah, not this again" you heard sebastian sigh out as he walked out of the hallway, sauntering over to you,now trying pull away the persistent grey haired male who just answered with a growl as Sebastian touched his shoulders.

You cupped the grey haired's head and held him close to you as he hugged you.

He meant no harm,he was afraid and alone,just like you were when you had arrived in england.

That's all there is to it and you saw a glimpse of guilt flash in Sebastian's maroon eyes as he smiled at you.He then left you be with the male to finish off the preparations he needed to do.

"I'm (y/n).And who would you be?" You asked and the boy just looked at you and let out a whimper."o-oh i'm sorry did I do something wrong?" You asked,concern lacing your voice and you gasped but let the man in the suit hug you again.

You let out a sigh as you sat down in a chair and let the boy rest his head on your lap,your hands running through his shiny soft hair as you smiled and hummed out a soft tune.

This went on for a while until you spotted Ciel on the top of the staircase,a quite upset Elizabeth trailing behind him as he came down to you and laughed at the boy that was nearly asleep.

"Alright,Wake up pluto"Ciel said with a slight growl as the male stood up and whined before leaving the room for you to be alone with Ciel.

Ciel grabbed your hand,brought it to his soft pink lips and pecked it,making a faint blush tint your cheeks.

More and more people filled the mansion and the music and chatter filled your ears as you talked to cheslock and Edward.Edward held your hand as you two discussed about a few collaborative ideas and Cheslock complimented your dress and fitting necklace.

"Your eyes fascinate me" he whispered out and your eyes widened."They are just a simple c-" you began "excuse me" a male with purple hair gazed down at you.

You turned to him and you smiled warmly."Yes,love?" You asked and flashed a smile, the man handing you a bracelet that you haven't seen in ages!"Be careful...Love hurts" he said,laughing deeply before he then swiftly left you be as he saw a little blob of black,short hair in the crowd.

That was absolutely strange.

Sebastian came up behind you and covered his lips as he whispered into your ear."Ciel is on the staircase.Make your way to the center of the room" You did as you were told,holding up your dress to walk and Ciel stood on the large staircase,clearing his throat and everyone turned their attention towards him.

"As most of you know,I was just previously engaged to Elizabeth Midford.My feelings betrayed me and I fell for this one Beautiful lady.Most of you know her as (Y/n)...I have a question for you"

he inhaled deeply and he walked down to you,the guests all whispering behind you and you didn't notice that Ciel was holding a velvet box behind his back since his cape hid the box perfectly.

"(Y/n),Would you like to take on the name phantomhive as your own and become the one by my side until we both Crumble and let our souls leave our bodies?" He asked as he got down on one knee and held up the ring,opening the top.

He presented a ring that held an opal gem in the center with diamonds and beautiful rubies encircling the larger gem and the metal of the ring elegantly.

Golden ornaments encircled the inner ring and there stood '(y/n) Phantomhive',bold and clear.

You gasped and bit down on your quivering lip as you bent down to hug Ciel,But as you did,A sudden hand got between you and ciel.

Alois began to launch himself onto ciel as he let out frustrated screams."Stop taking her away from me,stop taking everything away from me!" Alois screeched and raised his hand but before he could bring it down,You gently took his hand and Alois turned to you,tears brimming his now anger and sadness filled blue orbs.

He grabbed the box from ciel and growled,The guests stared with interest and Elizabeth frowned at Ciel,Her eyes then darted to you and she bit her lip,tears brimming her eyes now aswell before she had left the ball.

Alois and ciel were torn apart by their loyal butlers.Ciel now infront of you with the box,got down on his knee again."so,yes,or no?" He grinned and you teared up,nodding as you jumped onto ciel,letting him pick you up,kissing you passionately.

The crowd cheered and whistled euphorically! Many clapped and some tapped their fans against their hand or hip instead.Ciel held you closely as the ball got to the actual celebratory point of the night.

Guys don't worry the plot will take a 360 turn real soon.Entire plot twist 030

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