Chapter fourteen do you belong to anyone?

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As the people would say.The night was still young.

Many young men and women were completely drunk.The elder people weren't on that level yet.Elizabeth walked towards you and giggled softly.Ciel only frowned since she had interrupted you two while you both were talking about the company of ciel."I want you to meet my brother" She said and infront of you he stood with all his glory."Ah,I see" You said and gulped slightly."Hello there,I'm edward midford" He got on one knee and you flinched abit.'what's he doing now?' you asked yourself and he took your hand in his and kissed your ring finger gently.You smiled awkwardly and nodded slowly" I-i'm (y/n)" You replied and he stood back up.The how do you say it...the 'punk' crouched down,with legs spread and he pecked your hand then he stood back up and pet your cheeks."Cheslock's the name,doll" what's up with everyone calling me doll? you thought but smiled at his adorable face.Ciel wanted to talk to you again but elizabeth hugged him and begged him to get some cake with her."So what'dya say to an invitation?" Cheslock said."What do you mean?" You asked and looked at the punkish  male with your head tilted."I'd like to take you out" He said and stretched."But you barely even know me" You said as you blinked.He's probably drunk you thought."No like,i think you're pretty and i wanna like take you o-" he started and smiled at you but edward stood infront of him and gently took your hand."maybe...we could both take you out?" He asked and cheslock's jaw dropped."uhm,No" Cheslock said and the two began to argue.Oh well was all you could think of.You turned on your heel and began walking through the crowd of people until you found a glass door that lead to a garden.You looked around to see if anyone was looking at you.didn't seem like it so yoy Then went outside and inhaled the fresh air,walking around in circles."There you are!" You choked on your own saliva as Ash jumped infront of you."DEVIL" you shout and he frowns as he pulls you close."What did you just say?" he growled and you gulped."N-nothing" You said as he gently sniffed your wrist then your neck."You smell delightful" He said but you grinned and yanked your hand back."What perfume do you use?" He asked."Oh i got it from another country.It's not that common here in england to be precise" He smiled at you."And what is it called?" he asked
"it's called none of your god damn buisiness"
you replied and turned on your heel then went back inside,Many people were already leaving but most of the yonger people stayed.You saw claude sitting on a chair and you walked to him."Hello there sir faustus" You said and smiled at him."What do you want"
he spat and you pursed your lips into a thin line...not rude at all sir?
"I was just looking around and i got bored so,How was your day?" You asked and his eyes widened."Why would you care?" His eyes met yours.
"Oh i just like to be there for everyone" You replied but turned around when you heard your name.Crap.It.Was.ASH.You ran back to ciel as fast as you could leaving a frowning claude behind. your dress was trailing behind you as you ran,therefore making it easier for ash to follow you.You ran into sebastian and panted heavily."Oh i'm so sorry" You cough and hold onto his shoulders as you looked behind your shoulders only to see ash looking into your face."Why don't you just go away?" You pleaded and he shrugged."Because i like you" he replied and you groaned.Sebastian saw how upset and sick of everything you were just by the way you were breathing at this point.You just wanted to go back to bed or something.Damn it.
"there she is" You heard and rolled your eyes and turned around only to come face to face with a woman hugging the crap out of ciel....with....her....boobs....Damn those were big.
She pointed at you and looked at the male then she hugged you after the male nodded at her and you squealed abit."You're pretty" She whispered into your ear and you struggled but she held you tightly."She's eye candy isn't she?" The male asked.Yep,this evening turned real bad real quick.The girl rubbed her cheeks against yours and the male pet you slowly and said words that nearly made you faint."do you belong to anyone?"
hope you're liking the story everyone.btdubs uhm i'm surprised that these ball chapters are taking so long to finish but when they're done the reader will be spending alot of time woth ciel^^ promise♡

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