Chapter thirty

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Ciel proposed to you about one year ago.You always wondered what your dad was doing all alone without you.Was he proud of you?You were going to marry a wealthy man,wasn't that what he wanted in the first place?The wedding would be in a few months away from now and you were excited if i may say so myself!

You sighed,your fingers tapped against the flat surface of the table you sat by,sipping some tea as the candle flickered and hindered your reading.You knew you weren't allowed to go to Ciel's room until you marry. It was a rule! Yet,you wanted to hug him or talk to him since he's been quite busy lately and didn't talk to you as much.Nothing really changed,he was his usual cold self and he also worked alot.Not that you minded it though.You slipped on some soft white slippers,sauntered to your door quietly and opened the door,making your way down the dark hallway to Ciel's room.You stayed silent as you stepped closer to his door,extending your hand to knock but then you heard another voice,making you pull back your now shaking hand....Strange,it wasn't Sebastian's voice.It was feminine and very high..that voice had to be Elizabeth's?! You inhaled quietly and thought they would just be discussing something.


"Stop worrying love" Ciel groaned out and you frowned,looking through the key hole only to see Ciel holding Elizabeth close who was just taking off her corset.Oh hell no! You bit your lip and kept watching,squinting your eyes and just to make sure that you didn't see something at the wrong time and misunderstood it you stayed.Then Ciel turned Elizabeth around,lifting her chin up with his fingers before his lips had met hers in a heated kiss.

That was the end of your patient and reassuring thought.

You were a shaking mess,Ciel and Elizabeth were asleep,yet,you stood by that same door and were shaking.

This was so cliché but it happened! HOW? were you not good enough for ciel?! why did he do it?

You gulped down the lump in your throat and clenched your fist,holding the fabric of the nightgown on the left side of your chest hard.You walked and leaned against the wall,your vision was completely blurry and you were now far enough to let out a whimper,a cry for help,Your emotions controlled you and you stumbled and fell onto the carpeted floor,scraping your bare knees as you slightly slid on it.

Your tears drenched the Carpet and you couldn't get up anymore,you sat there completely frozen in place.Until someone gently touched your shoulders.

Hands cold as ice

"Leave me alone" you whispered,a hint of sadness laced your barely audible voice and you got up,stumbling again.

slowly,you now made your way to your room,the person following close behind you but you didn't care at this point.You were depressed,sad and upset, trying not to let your anger get the best of you as you tried to act as grown up as possible.

"Trying not to completely lose it now,are we?" You froze again and growled as you turned around,seeing Sebastian standing in the middle of your room,like nothing had ever happened.

Like he did every morning...and evening...

"How long?" You asked, knowing that sebastian knew how long those two were doing those unclean things behind your back.

"I suppose it has been about 6 months now,M'lady" he said as he slid off his gloves and cornered you on your bed,tracing your lips with his index finger slowly.

You looked at him,his hair was messy and his eyes were glowing,a crimson hue,his fangs catching your attention though and you had become abit scared.

He had leaned in closer,growling lowly into the skin of your neck ."leave me alone sebastian" you sighed and shoved the butler away,surprising him as you now were grabbing the proposal ring that had decorated your finger for quite a while,the jewel glaring magnificently at you as the rays of moonlight shined against it.

"Sebastian,could you please do me a a favor and take me to the Trancy manor?" your eyes,nose and cheeks were red from crying only previously,your hands clenching into fists as you begged him to help you.

Sebastian frowned,not too fond of the idea but he had let out a sigh as he got had picked up his gloves again.

Soon after he waited for you to get your things together for your 'escape'.

You stood infront of the trancy mansion door and knocked a few times until you heard shouting,the sound of someone running down the steps and upset shouts and profanities that were obviously coming from Alois.

The door opened and Alois raised his arm to hit the person who had woken him up at this time of day, until he noticed it was you.

You smiled at him,tears brimming your glossy eyes and you looked at Sebastian,mouthing :'don't tell Ciel where i am' and he nodded then left the scene,disappearing in the dark night without you.

"Come on in,Princess" Alois cooed and pulled you into the mansion,holding you close as you stumbled up the staircases,choking out tears again as Alois now lead you to his room,calming you down.

As soon as you both entered his bedroom,he shoved you onto the bed and stared at you with sympathetic and concerned eyes ."Tell me.Everything." he commanded and so,you began to tell him what had happened.

Told y'all it would the story would take a complete turn.

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