Chapter twelve.The rotten Angel

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You were smiling,your eyes sparkling because of the light candles at alois as he was talking to a walthy looking old man until you heard a crash and the candles on the chandelier suddenly went out."Was this planned?" You asked concerned and looked at alois who was frowning and keeping you close to him.He kept quiet then started walking backwards,his heels clicking each time they came in contact with the polished floor he was walking on with you,making sure you didn't trip over anyone's foot or anything else.You saw a flash of red hair and you furrowed your brows until the candles lit up again. 'this is absolute madness! i must find ciel!' you thought and wriggled out of alois's harsh grip but he grabbed your wrist,twirled you and you were back in his tight embrace."And what were you planning exactly?" He asked and you jumped as you saw someone infront of you,It was him...little old grey puppy."(y/n) i think you should leave right now" Undertaker smiled at you and pointed at the door with the blade of his scythe."What's even going on?!" You screamed and Undertaker just laughed."Most of the people in here...their time has ran out...their sins were not forgiven so they must give in" He stated bluntly and your eyes widened.

You came back to reality,sweating badly and breathing heavily.You looked around and gasped softly,the windows were still perfectly polished and there was no chaos.You were still with alois and you caught your breath before looking at alois with slightly glazed eyes."Is there something bothering you?" He asked before a tall man with short black hair and closed eyes stood before you.He opened his eyes slowly and studied your features.It creeped you out honestly and you hid your face by leaning your face against alois's shoulder.You didn't know why you felt safe with this stranger...he seems like he's been through alot just by the way he acts.His way of walking,speech and so on...But It may all be an act.

You were talking to the tall man and his...wife? girlfriend? you didn't know,nor did you want to ask."(y/n)!" you heard from someone in the crowd but alois dragged you to the center of the hall and took a look at the orchestra.He smiled at them and they began to play.(play the song now,thank you)
Everyone stood aligned on the opposite side of their partners.Ciel wanted to dance with you but unexpectedly elizabeth came to the party and now they were partnered up.As the orchestra started to get more fluent in their melody everyone started to walk to one another,to meet their partner.But they had to wait for the host to dance first.Alois held your hand and your waist as you danced around the room.You looked like you both were gliding on the polished floor.Your dress was flowing and as you spun it spun with you ever so slightly.Alois gently bent your back until it was arched and you could see the floor,until he pulled you back up and slipped his other hand to your waist so that you could place yours around his neck.As you did that the others began to dance too and you both began to spin abit,like everybody else.Until alois  had to switch to another woman.You on the other hand had to dance with his butler."So.what's your name?" You asked as his golden eyes pierced into your soul and you both danced.Abit too fluently.Not even pros could dance this perfectly."Claude faustus" He said and kept staring at you until he lifted you up,spinned you perfectly and set you down again."O-oh i'm (y/n)-" you started but were interupted.Like always!."( y/n) yes,i know" He said blankly and you frowned ever so slightly.He was serious but he sure was alot scarier than sebastian,the way he talks,and his voice in general!But nonetheless,he did awake your interests.Your last partner for this dance...was ash... the one you despised the most...The rotten Angel
yayyy another chapter done wohoo.Uhm hey guys uh as i said i'll try to update more and i hope you're enjoying this story

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