Chapter thirty one

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You couldn't sleep anymore,even though you only slept for about half an hour,you were confused and just upset about the whole situation.  Everything suddenly felt numb and your heart kept aching,squeezing aswell.You didn't know what to do.Alois had just fallen asleep after you had told him everything,sure,he was angry but he was happy that you had come to him. 

You looked at the polished floor that wasn't carpeted,suddenly engulfed in complete darkness as the candle completely went out.Leaving you alone.  You stood up,left the bed and began to walk around the room in circles, tears constantly dripped down your face as you remembered all the great times Ciel and you had before all of this happened. 

The morning came sooner than expected and you didn't feel like sleeping.You watched the sun rays sprawl out into the room,as you heard the birds sing.  You were just too upset and angry to fall asleep.You sat on the bed,wide awake and groaning out in pain as your heart ached again.

"Morning butterfly" Alois said and gently pecked your cheeks,holding you close to his heaving chest.  You looked at him and hugged him tightly before sitting up again,watching him fish out the ring that sat on a miniature pillow inside a box. 

You rubbed your eyes and watched Claude walk into the room,holding a tray of tea for Alois."Why didn't you bring her any?" Alois growled and you pecked his cheeks."I'm fine love" you smiled weakly,got up from the bed and walked out of his room,telling him you'd be walking around the hallways for abit. 

You stood in the hallway,the long night shirt you had gotten from Alois reached your Knees so you were doing alright.  You gasped softly as three boys approached you."Ah,I didn't see you yesterday when I arrived" you smiled warmly at them and they just stared blankly at you."Ah,i'm (y/n).I'll be living here for a little while,I won't disturb you anymore" you nervously laughed and wanted to walk past them,but one of the three boys gently poked your behind making you turn around and blush profusely.

"Excuse you!? was there something on my behind?!" You blushed more and the boys shook their head and you left them as quick as possible. 'How strange you' thought.You left the hallway and entered another room,spotting a maid who had been bent over as she was cleaning the floor,her hair a white purpleish taint and her eyes a soft blue color. 

She walked to you,her head hung low and you held out your hand."I-I'm (y-" you began and she interrupted you."Yes,(y/n) i know who you are.I'm Hannah,the maid of this house" she said and you smiled widely."I wanted to ask if you could help me today?" You giggled slightly."Since claude is a man and uh busy with al-" "Yes,It seems like you don't have any clothes on you for a change.I'll check the guest clothes,stay right here" 

She came back,holding your outfit and you looked out of the window,watching the birds fly off into the distance as you sat on the bed.Hannah began to unbutton the dress shirt and she slowly pulled your arms out of the sleeves,then she took off your panties and helped you into new ones.  Sure,you were old enough to dress yourself,but your father had always told you that the assistance was an absolute need. 

You were wondering what your father was doing,it's been months! You snapped back into reality as Hannah trailed a kiss up your thigh and you let out a breathy moan as she pinned you against the bed.  "D-don't do that" you whimpered and she pulled away from you then sat you up and bit into your lip,making it bleed.  "HANNAH!" you hiss and she smiled at you then left the room,licking the blood from her lips.  You realized that she had already fully dressed you.You sniffled softly as you remembered Ciel. 

This is absolutely upsetting...

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