Chapter ten.I love your name

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You were just walking quietly,all you heard was the faint voices of the guests in the main area.You kept walking until you spotted a large door.It was slightly open so you peeped into the room and saw a boy with blonde hair arguing with a tall butler about an outfit and that the guests all look like maggots."just check that outfit room for another outfit claude! I have guests you know!" the blonde boy said and growled as he ran his hand through his hair."Yes your highness" was all you heard until you fell into the room and let out a soft yelp."Oh and wh-" The blonde boy stopped talking when he saw your face.He was amazed by ypur beauty and he slowly walked to you and slowly took your hand to help you back up."Oh my,i'm so sorry" You blurt out and hide your face with your free hand."It's fine,don't worry about that" He said and you stood up and smiled at him making his heart flutter."Ahem,My name is Alois trancy,I sent out the invites,so Who did you come with?".Alois is his name huh? So he was the guy in the picture!"I came with Ciel and sebastian michaelis" you smiled and alois gently twirled you and wrapped his arms around your waist,his breath was lightly brushing against the nape of your neck."I-I should probably introduce myself too" You laughed nervously and alois trailed his tongue up to your ear lobe."U-uh please stop" You whimpered and Alois tightened his grip around your waist."Only if you dance with me and stay by my side" He growled against your neck."A-alright uhm anywho i'm (y/n),(y/n) (l/n)" You stuttered out and alois swayed gently."I love your name" He said and chuckled

hey guys super short chapter uh cos i dun have time rn and i'm kinda tired and junk uhm

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