Chapter eleven.she looks stunning

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At first you were creeped the HECK out.But now you actually kinda like this guy.Alois and you were walking to the main area together,with arms hooked together.Alois told you a joke about 5 minutes ago and you were still trying hard not to laugh,wich was impossible since his face was serious most of the time and you couldn't handle it anymore.Your laugh echoed through the long and dark hallways and you clutched alois's clothed shoulder making the tall blonde gaze at you with piercing blue eyes."Are you alright love?" He asked as he gently lifted your chin and you cleared your throat and looked at him."Yes,i'm fine,Sorry for worrying you" You smiled at alois and he cupped your cheeks with his warm hands then squeezed them and pinched them."You look like a fish now...or a hamster..." He grinned and you whined as you tried to push off his hands."Sthap ith hurks" You groan and Alois gently pets your slightly bruised cheeks."Mean..." You mumbled barely understandable and alois frowned."I can show you mean if you want me to" He grunted and your eyes widened."Ah no i'm fine" was all you could say before getting run over by a man out of nowhere.He had dark brown flowy hair and several henna tattoos that covered his arms.He had golden jewelry but he did look like a foreigner,but he was probably quite wealthy."OH i'm so sorry" The foreigner cried as he took your hand and held it with both of his hands."It's fine don't worry about i-" he interupted you and hugged you tightly as he pressed his cheek against yours."m-mm sir please stop" You whined and he stopped."You're so beautiful though! like a lotus flower" He whined and got dragged away by what seemed to be...his...butler? they did seem close since he hugged this so called "butler" and either really cried or just cried fakely.

Alois was mad,and he was tapping his heels against the cold floor as he inhaled deeply."Should we continue?" He asked and you looked at him slightly confused but you nodded and gently lifted a part of the dress so that you could walk again after brushing a strand of hair out of your face."Did you know that man?" You asked and looked at alois."I don't,actually.All i know is that he's always with...ciel".Alois growled out ciel's name witch made you slightly scared.What happened? are they enemies or something? Guess you'll just have to find out later.Alois's hand traveled down to your waist and you looked up at him as you two kept walking and finally entered the main room.You could see the sun setting from the well cleaned windows by the staircase that was carpeted perfectly that lead to many more hallways and rooms.You heard alois counting the guests and he gave his butler a look.He then went to the front door and started to close it until unexpectedly ash,charles grey and phipps(phips?) walked in.You frowned at the tallest of the three...ash...You hid behind alois and whimpered when he began to walk to the staircase where he planned to walk down with you to make a large entrance.He cleared his throat as he still had a firm grip around your waist."Welcome to this evening gathering in the trancy manor,Enjoy yourselves!" He smiled and everyone clapped.except ciel,who's jealousy was growing for unknown reasons,Sebastian who just despised seeing you with anyone else and charles,ash and charles phips who's eyes widened more by each step you took."she looks stunning" said all 5 in unision.
hey guys uh this took like a while to write since i had to think abit.sorry for the late updates but i'll try to update even more XD it's hard lol.

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