Chapter twenty-seven

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As you woke up, you noticed the sun was just rising and so you pecked Ciel's nose and got out of bed,Trying to not make too much noise.You stretched and made your way to the door slowly,the scent of cake batter and roasting meat filled your nostrils and so you made your way to the kitchen,each window you passed in the hallway blinded you with bright sun beams but you didn't mind it at all actually.You got to the kitchen and gasped softly at the scenery.Charles was eating some sort of creampuff pastry as his gaze turned to you he gasped and walked to you. "My love~" He grinned and you shook your head as he pecked your hand."I came extra early for the ball today,My,without makeup you look stunning love" He grinned,his face inching closer to your's and you nodded as you cupped his cheek then walked to sebastian."Ah,my lady" He grinned,holding a champagne bottle and you groaned out softly,stretching,making your bones pop slightly."ah,She's pretty" You heard and turned to look at the female with maroon red hair and round polished glasses."Thank you" You smiled warmly and charles gently picked you up."your feet will get cold if you stay here" Charles frowned at bard,finny and sebastian as he walked to your room.How did he know where your room was actually at? You didn't tell him.How strange....what a creep.
Charles gazed at you as he set you on your bed after closing the door behind him with his foot and he cracked his knuckles gently as his eyes pierced you."I'd love to see you writhe beneath me" he cooed and stood infront of you,cupping your cheeks."Mm Charles you do know that i'm taken right?" You said in a whisper like tone and charles grinned as he pushed you onto the bed,your back hitting the cushion as he straddled you."So?" He laughed and your eyes widened as he nibbled on your earlobe."Listen to me...I'm better than everyone else" he grinned and you whimpered softly."I-I'm sorry but,Ciel is my current love interest" You stuttered and charles growled as he got off you harshly."Watch your back.That guard dog has no heart at all" he hissed and left the room,the door banging shut behind him making you flinch and sigh.You eeked as the door opened once more."I told you to wait outside didn't i?!" You stared at the lady with a short elegant red bob with 'v' bangs."Ah,i see i got the wrong room..oh well.and who would you be?" she asked and you fiddled with your fingers as she just chuckled."I-i am ciel's girlfriend" you squeaked out and looked at the woman."Wait what?" She questioned and you gulped."B-but who are you?" You asked and she played with her red hat before taking it off."I'm Ciel's aunt,madame red" she answered and made her way to your closet that was now filled with dresses of all sorts."What's that on your arms and legs?" she questioned and you giggled at the henna designs."Oh,these are just a few henna designs"you hummed and madame red stared at your small figure then back to the closet,ignoring your explanation to the henna as she pulled out a pink ball gown and gasped as she grabbed your hand making you stand up."alright,change of plans.I'll get you ready for'll take a few hours but that's fine" She stated as she checked her pocket watch and you sat down on the chair infront of the makeup mirror that ciel had provided you with.She began to apply a mask to your face that would cleanse it as she sprayed rose water over the cream mask to make it more effective.She began to comb your hair,spraying in something that made your hair glisten and shine but not stick together.
She polished your nails with a clear liquid just to create a french tip and she began to scrub off the face mask you had on.You kept looking at the clock and it was barely even 11 am.Time was crawling way too slow!
Madame red braided your hair out of the way as she helped you take off the nightgown and put on a towel instead for now.A knock was heard and the maid from the kitchen came in,taking your hand as she lead you to the free bathroom that was located at the other side of the mansion.You smiled as you followed her until charles walked past you,leaving your view with a blush pastered on his cheeks.Mey rin opened the bathroom door that was made out of marble and she closed the door again after you entered the room."oh...sebastian,uh,funny seeing you h-here" You laughed nervously as sebastian wore glasses and walked to you,his hands planted on your waist as he pulled you closer to him."I could ravish you right here,right now" He growled as took off your towel and watched as you got into the large tub."Oh hush" you blushed as sebastian washed and massaged your arms.

After the bath/massage and a few unintended moans,you left the bathroom,your skin shining and soft.Your muscles now relaxed as you made your way back to your room but you walked past ciel's room,so you decided to pay him a small visit.You entered the room and ciel stood infront of the door,grabbing your hand and pulling you inside."i heard you...did he and you have sexual intercourse?" He asked and you shook your head as Ciel towered over you.
"Good" he growled and clawed at your arms,holding you in place as his hormones betrayed him and his manners aswell.He began to kiss and suck on your neck wildly,marking you as his.
Yayyyy this took so long sorry >^<

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