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 I wonder when this class is going to be over like it has already been 3 hours and I'm getting very tired , So out of the blue I decided to just turn to stare at my friend Lana, but as always shes is attached to her drawing book like a leach is drawn to blood. 

I notice she has her favorite purple and black hoodie on and her black and white vans ..

So I just sat there in classroom waiting ...




Yep there it goes that annoying sound to tell us that this boring class is over and it's 2 more hours left in the day. Man I guess I can't wait to go back home where no one bothers me and I'm left alone. To just drench in my sorrows and misery as usual... 

But my thoughts was interrupted when Lana asked if she can stay at my place and I said yea because she knows that I know about her problems and honestly I think her mother needs to stop being so freakin forgiving, but thats not my solution to conduct...


"UGGGGGHHHH" this class has never been this dreadfully long and boring, but honestly I blocked out the teacher like 1 hour ago so I can focus on my drawing . I love drawing it helps me ease my mind and the pain I felt, even with a lot of things going on at home, its like everything disappear and I'm in my own little box, shut out from the world and it's problems...


The bell rings which indicates that soon I have to go back and face reality unless of course my friend, my sister (Not related) will help me out and let me hide at her place so I just asked her and of course I know she was going to say yes... 

Like she always do I think thats one thing I like about her she leaves with a taste of mystery, you may never know what you will get.


I walked down the hallway and there I see him again, I don't know why but I have a strange feeling that he was looking right back at me 



I don't know I guess he will be the one Knight in shinny coating to save me from this dreadful abyss. Well I don't know it feels like something, something nice, maybe even this warmer feeling  inside of me is lighting up like candles on a birthday cake. 

If this what happy felt like I LOVE IT!..

Then of course my thoughts was ruined again when my besti told me that it was time to go

 I guess I was really  distracted by all the hustle of the hallway and beautiful hazel brown eyes I didn't really realized what time it was. I turned back hoping to see him again and like a ghost he was gone...


Ugh this hallway so busy I can't find my friend..

 But I did find one thing and that was chad.. (Major Heart eyes again)

 For a good moment which felt like forever he was staring at me probably trying to figure me out like if I was a maze, trying to figure out what was behind my strange Green cat like eyes and then from the corner of my eye I saw her and got distracted for a moment . 

But before I forgot, I glanced back to see if chad was there but to find out he was no where to be found and like a ghost he was gone ...

I caught up to my friend I guess she was probably a little more distracted than, I was but who knows everyone seems to be distracted lately 

So I asked her if she was ready to go and shy like she said "yea"

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