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So I wake up to a new room, a new house, I just left my old life behind to start a new because my mom had a job opportunity and honestly she wont really have time for me , I think after a while she probably forget I existed. Now only if my dad didn't move half way over the world I would've live with him but I rather stay on U.S. soil.

"Ugh" I look over at the time and realize it time for me to go to school, full of strange people that I don't know until I greet them but honestly that would be a lot of work.

I entered this school and this beautiful burnett, with brown eyes caught my attention and honestly I have never seen anything that beautiful in my life ever I stared at her and I saw her kinda staring at me. But I realized that I had to go to the principal office so I can know where I'm going.




I arrive at the principal office and he was a very tall scary man, when he told me hi he gave me a scary smile and gave me a schedule and told me to hurry on too class but honestly I was kinda hoping he will show me the way or ask...

My thought was interrupted when he said "Chad go help the new student get around the school" I look over at chad he looked very awkward to say he had that whole emo vibe going on and he swooped his hair from his face and said confidently " Follow me"

He looked at my schedule and say " we basically have every class together but first let me go to my locker" So I was standing there and I noticed chad shyly looking at this girl but I glanced so I didn't fully get a good look at her but from chad eyes I know that he liked her...

And honestly I was hoping to see my brown eyed beauty again but she was no where to be found in the hallway of the student jungle.

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