Nasty Past

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Yea I guess you keep hearing about Mark and how he did this and how he did that, as the author I should tell you about him  finally, I guess you guys can enjoy this...

So as we know already that Mark and Rachel dated basically their first year of High school, but what we don't know already is that Mark already had a girlfriend

She was very pretty too and her name was Kyle 

Her and Mark been dating since the last year of 8th grade, and they had a very on and off relationship

Mark originally wanted to go out with Rachel but she didn't want to date at that time , but when he found out that she wanted to date at that time, he took the opportunity to use that to his advantage

He was also going to break everything off with Kyle but being that he didn't want to break her heart or hurt her feeling 

"I Wished he would've"


He didn't break things off, so Mark basically been dating Kyle throughout the whole time he was dating rachel and Starting to have feeling for her

And when he did start to gather feelings for Rachel and not Kyle anymore he tried to break things off



But sadly, he found out that he had to move, so he was planning on trying to make long distances work being that he was moving with his father to japan , and not US soil

He tried to talk to her, but when he did...

Kyle came along and out of no where gave him a big o' Kiss, 

Rachel saw and with her heart broken she ended things pretending that kissing Kyle wasn't the reason of the break up



Sad thing rachel knew that Mark never broke up with Kyle and she guessed that he never will

That leaving her broken

And so as Mark

And the day she saw cameron she had a strange feeling that he may be Mark's step brother


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