Will You ever come home?

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These pass couple of weeks, when my parents was not trying to find me, 

It felt like heaven, I had my 2 people who matter to me, rachel and chad 

Chad has been providing me with shelter and warmth, and I'm so glad his very welcome to have me at the house...

Rachel she has been good giving me a cover up, and a good made up story like one week she told my parents that "I just wanted space and some air to breath and cool off"

and man did they believe her...

But as chad, rachel, and chad parents said I do have to come home at some point

It could be today


Net week 

But I have to come home

But I just don't know for all I know I could come home to a sister or bother...

Even though nine months passed since I've been home,

It just don't feel like home to me anymore, 

I feel so betrayed by my mom, dad, they betrayed me 

My trust

but what hurt the most is when my mom let him back in after what he did...

When he walked out he should've stayed out...

But then one day chad had got a knock on his door, and you wouldn't believe who it was my parents

I ran downstairs and ask how did they find me, and they said that rachel told them

And of course later that day I asked rachel why she told them but she said that they was going to press charges on her for kidnapping 

{How obvious of them }

I told them that I don't want to come home and after that you wouldn't believe what they told me

They said "Either come home, or leave the house forever and never ever think about coming back"

Tears rushing down my face, I was so heartbroken , heart, speech less , and then at that moment  I looked her dead in her face and I told her that I'm never ever coming back home...

(I was hurting,I was said but..)

At that moment I actually felt free...

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