The Big Move

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Today is the day that I move, I'm kind of devastated because

A.I would miss lana

and ...

B.I would miss lana

Like I have other friends besides lana but , lana was the first girl that I love, and also maybe the last girl...

I feel like I should've asked to her to come with me


Actually maybe I will


Is it still sad that I wonder why chad broke things off with me , but also I have this strange gut feeling that something interesting is going to happen today

Like I'm done with missing chad , and mopping around the house

I can even tell that rachel is tired of it too, but what am I supposed to do go knock on chad door and demand anwser


I waited too long just to be with lana

I waited to frekin long to have everything tumbling down , I'm going to man up and ask her , I'm going to ask her to come to Europe with me


Everything happened so fast , one minute I was in my room , and then the next minute I found my self answering the door



But you wouldn't believe who was at the door


I wet and started to walk to Rachel's house

I had everything planned , being that since rachel is at her lunch date, I could ask lana when she wasn't around

I'm going to do this


I knocked on the door .


I opened the door

And I saw chad , and at that moment all the heart break came back rushing in tears

But I didn't slap him, I kissed him


She kissed me , I wasn't expecting that ,but I also didn't push away I kissed her back and it felt good to be back in her arms


Shockingly he didn't push back , and it felt good to be back in his arm

And we stopped and we just stared at each other


I stopped and then I looked at her, blushing

Lana I have to ask you something

What is it chad?~Lana

I want you to move to Europe with me

Yes chad I would love to move to Europe with you ~Lana

I love you

I love you too chad~Lana 

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