Friendship restored

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I ran, like fugitive, couldn't stop

Then I finally arrived to my destination,

Rachel's house

I was scared

I was nervous

But honestly he had to be done sooner or later, I had to go and apologize, Like what I did was wrong and stupid..

And she loves me so I know she will forgive me

I hope..


I heard a knock on my door, so I ran down stairs

And peeped through the peeped hole

And you guys wouldn't believe who it was..


I knocked on Rachel door, scared as ever

Like if her mom open the door, and see my duffel bag, she is going to call my mother, and I don't want that to happen

But if Rachel opens the door, I could apologize, go to my boyfriend house, stay one night and come back to Rachel house, and hide

Or I could be smart and just stay at my boyfriend

Ugh I don't know my plan right now, but my main focus his forgive and forget..

I hope..


I opened my door to see Lana standing outside my house with a duffel bag

So I assumed she ran away again

But I hope she knows that I'm the first place they going to look...

Anyway back to reality


"I'm sorry, I was stupid and a jerk and I was very insensitive, I just let my emotion and feelings get in the way. And I know your going to ask me what I'm doing here..."

"Lana I forgive you but you can't stay here if thats the plan, be smart and lay low at chads house because nobody would even think of looking there"

And I gave her the biggest hug, and whispered in her ear "Friends forever"


What Rachel said to me, lighten up my day but, I had no time to stat because my parents will find out I'm missing in 20 mins and that's enough time for me to get to chad house

The I looked over at Rachel

She looked over at me

And i guess she knew what I was thinking


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