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I was so heartbroken when I didn't ask chad out like I wanted to but I was so distracted by his smile, eyes, and that darn bell that I didn't get the chance.


Ugh I'm so disappointed that I didn't ask her out that darn bell and her amazing green cat like eyes. That I didn't get the chance to ask her out.


All throughout the school day I was thinking on why I never ask Chad

Ugh why did I get distracted with his hot emo vibe , uggggghhhh


I'm stupid stupid stupid

Why did her green cat like eyes have to be so distracting?

I'm not a man I'm just a very stupid boy
Stupid stupid stupid boy


I will ask him out I just need a chance
Or a good time
Well there's never a good time I'm a stupid stupid girl ughhhhhhhh

My heart aches with pain why I have to be so in love you know what I don't care anymore

I got up from my seat, walked out of class and went to chad's class
"Lana what are you doing here this is not your..."
I cut her short and said

CHAD! Well you go out with me


When Lana asked me in front of everyone to go out with her I was blushing so hard
I looked like a Cherry tomato
And of course I couldn't help but to say...


I was so excited when Chad said ...


I ran up to her and gave her a big kiss

I Felt a thousand bolts of electricity through our body's

It was love ...

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