The Big Good Bye

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What in the world is going on, I take in one day to hang out with Cameron and then the next I found out that my best friend is moving to Europe

Rachel I was expecting you to be a little bit more happy for me being that I'm finally getting out the house~Lana

But still what if you guys get married, how would I go to the wedding

Rachel , first of all I'm 19 so you know I don't plan on getting married anytime soon, and second of all we are just moving to Europe that's it you can just get a passport and visit anytime you want too ~Lana

Ugh you lucky I ran out of things to say, but I can say this be safe and you know that you always have a home to come back too

Yes I love you too rachel, anyways I got to continue to pack because chad would be here in any minute~Lana

Hey how about we spend some time together , you know last minute memories

Yea Yea that sounds good


It was kind of hard to say good bye too rachel being that we was friends for so long

And she's always been there for me and I mean she will forever be there for me, yes we had our ups and yes we had our downs but that will never replace the fact that shes more than a friend, shes like a sister

And I will always love her she will always be dear to my heart

So this is why it's so hard for me too say bye

And when chad came and picked me up I just looked at her for one more last time and walked away


I would've told her bye but I have a feeling that one day we will see each other again 

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