The Kiss

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I was very shocked for what happened that day, it was just so out of the blue


I ran, I ran all the way down the street to hi...


I heard a knock on my door, a very Rachel kind of knock, so of course I obviously know who it was


I knocked on the door, and when it opened I ran up to him an...


I wasn't expecting, what was going to happen next, but when I opened my door rachel ran up to me and kissed me


I kissed cameron and my heart felt something ,

It felt happiness and I liked it


When she kissed me , it was so passionate and I guessed she forgot she had a boyfriend, but from that kiss I can tell she didn't care

HA! Mark I won

I finally got hat I want my girl


I kissed Cameron for what felt like forever but I quickly pulled away remembering I'm sadly still with Mark

"We can't say nothing about this Kiss"~Rachel

"I understand you still with ... Mark and I get it"~Cameron

"Cameron I want you to know that you are the one that I want it's just..

"Complicated, I understand, I understand everything..."~Cameron

*I bit my lip

"I'm sorry"~Rachel

"Don't be, see you later rachel"~Cameron

My heart broke I wanted to tell him that I love him

*Instead of going home happy I went home crying and my heart torn

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