Fight over love

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Why Lana

Why did you have to do it

How long did you like him

Why didn't tell me

We are supposed to be besties

Why please just answer me

You know what I can't, how are we supposed to be best friends if you can't even tell me who you have crush on I don't find it fair that you have a boyfriend and I don't

"Well if you stop talking and let me talk then I'm well be able to answer you" -Lana

"Ok I just had a crush on him for like ever, basically since like 3rd grade, but at first I thought it was just a puppy crush, but it turned to more "

Well I don't care you should've told me, ugh

"Well I thought you would at least be happy for me, I understand your depressed an may never ever going to find true happiness..." and at that moment those hurtful words left my mouth, and I realized that at that moment I just lost a best friend

Oh yea well at least I have a father who actually care about me and don't leave every time he's bored ( I said it it with a straight face because I was to hurt from the words that came out her mouth)

And at that moment me and Lana stop speaking...

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