Fugitive *Runaway

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Ugh I don't understand why my life has to be so confusing or complicated or just horrible...

I don't bother anyone

I keep to myself 


You know I never knew my boyfriend house was so far...

I guess hiding out at his place is the best thing, his parents knows about us, Knows we aren't reckless...

But I know that's it going to be good hiding out there, I just have to hide my duffel bag 




UGH  finally I arrived...


I was just jamming and listening to music, then out of no where my boyfriend instincts start kicking in...

That's when I deiced to take off my headphones...

And just how I predicted it, it was Lana standing out my window about to throw rocks..

And I'm very glad that she saw me staring down at her with a smile 


I finally arrived at chad house, or over his window. I started to get peppered to throw a rock at his window...

But I saw him look out his window, and opened it...

I guess he's thinking why I'm always go for the windows. Sometimes I don't know I guess that's my "cat instinct" talking..

But hey, you may never know 


I opened my window so she could come in...

And then that's when I saw her duffel bag and I guess I already know what's going on...

She was running away, 

I deiced to joke around and ask is she heading to mexico, being that she was half Mexican..

She looked at me with her beautiful eyes, laughed and said no papi, I found it cute that she jokes around with  me like that...

But I was very worried for her, because she likes to be a mystery...

She doesn't want anyone to know that much about her.. I guess that's another thing I loved about her

But anyway I forgot for a moment that I was talking to her.. and looked and asked "What is it this time.."

She gave me that look that signified she didn't want to tell... But surprisingly she told anyway 

"My parents are back together again, I'm so tired of them always, breaking it off and coming back.. Like they are already divorced so I don't know why--"~Lana

"Babe  don't start crying, I think it's just pathetic how your parents don't concern you in their choice, honestly if you plan on running away.. stay with me because your parents won't suspect a th--" ~Chad

"I already plan on staying here because, staying at Rachel house was wayyyyyy to risky being that I already stayed at her house when I ran away plenty times before, but I was going to stay here a week and then go to Rachel to get clothes--"~Lana

"Babe how long do you think you going to keep this up"~Chad 

"Probaly Ese es el plan hasta que tenga dinero nough para mexico (thats the plan until I have the money for mexico)"~Lana

"Ha Ha you funny"~Chad

"Are we going to be like that one day "~Lana

"I hope not"~Chad

 {Kisses Lana on head and tells her he loves her}

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