Home II

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Before me and Cameron went home I asked Cameron if he could come over to my place for a while and he said "hold on let me text my mom and tell her I'm going to hang at a friend house"

I said ok and I was waiting for like 12 min before he said "She finally said yea I guess she was too busy at work, like usual."

I asked him what he wanted to eat and he said just order pizza.


I was kinda walking slow on purpose so that chad could ask if we could hang out at his because I didn't want to be alone even on a Friday

So when Chad asked me if I could come over I was so ecstatic and hurry on to my phone to go ask my mom but I waiting for like 12 min so I just told chad that she said yea.


Me and Cameron was walking for a long time and finally after what like an hour we went to my house I took off my shoes threw my bag down and order pizza.

So after the pizza came me and Cameron was talking and I mention Lana and how I liked her but I didn't have the courage to ask her out. And what knowledge that Carmen told me that I should just be brave and ask her out on Monday. And like a light bulb that went off my head I was going for it.

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