chapter fifteen

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The next morning, Esme was woken by a shuffling sound. Darcy was in the middle of getting out of the bed and stepping over her. In a moment of panic, the brunette pulled her knees up to her chest, trying to get out of the way of her Romantic. This, in turn caused her to trip, barely catching herself before she hit the floor.

Esme's eyes widened, "I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine," Darcy assured, "It's not the worst fall I've ever had."

Esme pushed herself to her feet in time to help the other woman up as well. As soon as she did, Darcy had pressed her lips against her cheek. The agent stiffened, not having expected the soft kiss.

"Good morning!" Darcy smiled at her, only a few inches from her face at that point.

Esme blinked, coming back to her senses and smiling herself, "Good morning."

"How do you feel about breakfast?" the intern asked, "Because I just saw Jane and the gang head over to get coffee. So they're probably going to get some for us too. And we could get started with the actual breakfast part of the meal. I'm pretty sure that we have some eggs in the fridge."

"Sounds good to me," the brunette told her soulmate, "What do you want me to do?"

"Well," Darcy began, rummaging through the fridge not even two feet away from the bed, "We don't have much else, but it would be great if you could set up the table, while I started with the eggs."

Esme nodded in agreement and went to step outside when she caught sighet of herself in the reflection of the metal door. She quickly adjusted her ponytail so that it didn't look like she'd slept in it (which she had) before stepping out of the door to put up fold out chairs around a pull out table.

Once she was done, she went back inside, finding her Romantic cooking eggs on a hotplate in the tiny kitchen. She slid up beside her and tilted her head,

"Where do you keep the plates and forks?"

Darcy turned her head to look at the woman beside her, "The plates are in the cabinet above me and the forks are in the drawer you're standing in front of."

"Thanks," Esme backed up a bit so that she could access the drawer and pulled out five forks.

She then proceeded to reach above Darcy so that she could grab the same amount of plates. With all of the utensils and plates in hand, she headed back outside to set up the table, then realized that it would be smarter to leave the plates in there and only bring them out once they already had eggs on them. So she went back inside and placed the plates back on the counter and then the forks on top of them.

"I thought you were going to..." Darcy trailed off, looking at the plates that she'd set next to her.

"I was. But then I realized that it would be ridiculous if I brought the plates out there only to have to bring them back to put food on them."

"Ohhh," Darcy said as she turned off the hotplate, "That makes sense."

"We're back!" Jane shouted from outside the trailer, which in turn caused both women to turn their heads toward the scientist, Thor, and Selvig; all of whom were carrying coffee.

Jane handed a mug to her assistant, while Thor handed one to Esme, "I wasn't sure what to get you, agent, so I just got regular. No sugar, no cream."

"It's Esme, and that's perfect, thank you," the brunette smiled at the woman as she took the coffee.

The five of them sat and chatted away and when they were finished with their meals, they all made an effort in cleaning, drying, and putting away the dishes.

Then, "Found you!"

Upon hearing the unknown voice, Esme whipped around, dropping the dish towel as she threw the safety off of her gun and pointed at one of the four intruders heads.

"My friends!" Thor shouted happily, stepping over the plate that Jane had dropped in fright.

"Friends?" the brunette asked incredulously, lowering her weapon to get a better look at the four that were staring at them.

Excuse Author's Note: I'm very sorry for not updating for the last two updating cycles, I've had major writers block for this book and had trouble finishing this chapter. On a more positive note, we'll probably be getting to the end fight scene next chapter. Also, half way through this I thought up the best semi-pickup line ever (those things are absolutely hilarious and I can never take them seriously). It went like this: Esme - Smells good. Darcy - It's just eggs. Esme - who said I was talking about the eggs. Now, if I were writing a different character (I'm looking at you Rathaway! *cough* OC who has not been written about yet *cough*), this would have been in the actual chapter. However, I cannot, for the life of me, imagine Esme saying that in any situation ever (unless she were undercover). She's just too respectful for stuff like that. So instead she asked about setting the table. As always, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I'll hopefully see you all again during the next updating cycle.
~ Aria

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