you didn't remember

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This is based of something I just read on tumblr that made me sad yet happy :')

Today was the day. The day that the young paladin had been looking forward to for who knows how long! it was finally his birthday. He jumped out of his bed and got ready to grab some breakfast.

after that, he headed down the long corridor and headed into pidge's room, eager to share his news. He guessed that she was working on a new machine of sorts that would help the team out on their missions.

"Hey Pidge, can you believe its finally here!"

he said excitedly as he looked over her shoulder. Pidge though, wasn't paying attention and mumbled

"Hand me that wrench, will ya?"

Lance's face fell a little but he immediately faked a smile again.

"uh yeah, sure..."

He trailed off as he handed it to her, as he decided that he would try hunk next. The Cuban boy wandered through to the kitchen, where he found his friend baking some unknown space goop treats.

"hey hunk! I know I'm not the only one excited about the big event, right?"

Hunk, exactly like pidge, wasn't paying attention to the paladin and said

"Oh, yeah! I'll get to it later. Can you pass me that ladle over there? thanks!"

The boy said, not even bothering to look over at his 'friend'. Lance looked at him with a face of shock, but quickly mumbled

"sure Hunk. anything for you pal"

after he handed the item to hunk, he was about to go converse with Keith but remembered that he was on a mission with shiro. That left Coran and Allura. He wandered around the castle until he came across Coran cleaning the healing pods. He bounded over to the ginger and smiled.

"hey Coran, are you excited for today?"

he asked as he prayed that the altean would know. He crossed his fingers and squeezed his eyes shut as he waited for a reply.

"Huh? what's happening today?"

he heard back, as Coran tilted his head in confusion. Lance could feel the tears welling up in his eyes as he replied with a quiet 'nothing' and ran off to his bedroom. he sat down on his bed and looked over at his desk, where a blue vanilla cake was sitting. The message on it read

"first birthday with my space family"

but now that he reread the message, it just made him want to cry even more. Just as he was about to let the tears fall, he heard a knock at the door.

"Lance? is everything okay? why are you crying? its you're birthday!

his mouth dropped in disbelief as he turned around

"How did you remember...?"

to be continued...  

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