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"Good morningggg!" I say as I jump on Nishinoya.
He groans and looks up at me.

"What." He says in a low voice.

"What do you mean " what? " I said good morning." I frown and get off of him, turning to face the wall.

"Ariaaaa. Sorry. I'm sorry. Please forgive mee. Sorryyy." He apologises in a cute voice.



"Ah, okay." I grin, showing all my teeth.

He pinches my cheeks, "aww you're so cute." I blush and hide under the covers.

"Don't say that." I moan.

"Why~" he asks cutely.



"It's embarrassing."

"No it's not. It makes you look cuter because you get all shy." He fanboys and I poke my head out from under the covers.

"You're so annoying." I say and lay my head on his stomach.

"And you're so cute!" He smiles and I sigh.

"Moving on. What are we doing today?"

"I don't know. I mean... We could stay here" wink "and well-"

"Shut your face. I'll ask Sascha." I say and get up. "Bye."

"Aww okay."

I walk out of his room and back into mine and Sascha's. I see her and Alex watching a volleyball anime and I chuckle. Cute.


"Hey Aria. Now shut up and go away or sit and watch with us."

"Umm.. Okay." I walk up to them and switch the laptop off.

"Why'd you do that!?" Alex asks and Sascha glares at me.

"Because you ignored me when I said hi and told me to shut up." I smile and they sigh.

"What do you want?" They ask and I nod my head slowly.

"Well, I was going to ask, what are we doing today?"

"Going hiking at two... Wait.. Or is that tomorrow? No its today." She smiles and I check my watch.

"Okay thanks."

I walk back into Nishinoya's room and see him still lying in bed.

"How are you still there you lazy ass." I sigh and he shrugs, not caring.

"Because I wanted to think."

"Well we're going hiking at two. Which is in three hours. Go have a shower."

"Want to join me?" He asks smirking.

"In your dreams."

"Oh they are." I widen my eyes and gasp.

"I'm going to pretend that you never said that and I'm going to slowly walk out of the room and I'm still debating on whether to throw a knife or a letter at you saying how I want to send you to a mental asylum." He chuckles and I go back to my room to get changed. "I'm going to get changed." I tell Alex and Sascha and fish through my closet.

I find a pair of army pants and a black, long-sleeved crop top. That'll do for hiking. I walk to the bathroom and slip them on, leaving my face bare and pulling my hair into a high pony tail.
I walk back into the room to see both Alex and Sascha staring at me. "What?"

"You're going hiking. In a crop top? Are you mad." She asks me but I shrug.

"I need to impress the mountains." I say like its a sentence you say everyday.

"It's gonna be cold."

"The cold has never bothered me when I want to be fashionable."

"Okay. Whatever you say." She says sarcastically and looks in her cupboard.

"I'm going to wear black jeans and a tight, warm, long-sleeved top with my big, furry, green, army jacket."

"Sure." I laugh at how furious she looks and walk into the kitchen.
I grab a piece of toast and spread jam and butter on it. Once I finish, I stroll into Nishinoya's room and see him in a towel.
"WHY. DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN?" I sigh exasperated.

"Because the Gods want Naria babies."

"But they know that's never going to happen."

"You're so unfair."

"No I'm Aria."

"Really." He sighs and turns around and drops his towel like no one is watching.

"NISHINOYA!" I shout. I'm glad he's facing the other way.

"Yeah?" He asks casually. He's about to turn around but I cover my eyes and find the door, gladly exiting the room. I walk to the kitchen and see Sascha and Alex sitting down eating.

"Nishinoya is in a weird mood today. And I mean, W E I R D."

"Okay..." Alex says.

I sit down and let them finish before I start talking again.

"So, how long are we hiking for?" I ask.

"Two hours. Then we can eat out somewhere." Alex answers.

"We should probably leave soon too. It takes a while to get there." Sash says and I nod.

"I'll tell Nishi to hurry up." I sigh and walk back into his room. For the fiftieth time.

"Yes Aria?" He asks without facing me.

"Hurry up. We're leaving soon." I say and walk straight back out.


"WOOOOO!!!" We all shout from the top of the mountain.

"That felt good." I say, smiling and holding Nishinoya's hand.

"Yes it did." Alex replies.

"I'm so tired. I don't think I can walk back down. Can we sit down and enjoy the view for a bit?" They nod and we all sit down.

"Guys. I'm gonna take a picture. Wait here." Sascha says and we all nod and she walks off.

"How long are we staying here?" Alex asks.

"One more week." I pout. "And I have no clue what we'll be doing."

"Sash has it all planned out. Apparently it's a surprise."

"Why did she tell you?" Nishinoya asks.

"She didn't. She just said it was planned out."


"Sounds cool" Nishinoya says and leans back onto a rock.

We all sit there for five minutes or so, watching the view and waiting on Sascha. "Where is Sascha taking so long?" Alex asks, a slight worry in his voice.

"A girl likes to get perfect photos. Don't worry." I say and they laugh.

We wait twenty minutes longer but she doesn't come.

"Okay... Now can I worry?" He asks again and I nod.

"Why don't we go and look for her?" Nishinoya suggests and we all agree.

We walk around the mountain but we can't find her. "I'll call her." I say, the worried tone in my voice very audible now.
I press on her number in my contacts list and it rings but she doesn't pick up. "Shit. She should be picking up. She normally does anyway..."

Losing Trust (sequel to Secret Admirer) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now