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"Elton!" I screamed, pretending to be in pain.

"Amanda?!" He comes running up the stairs. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, but are you coming to the doctor today?"

"Do I need to? I have to edit, but if you want me there I can come." He offered.

I tied my red hair up into a ponytail before responding. "No, it's fine. Nothing important is today, we still have three months before they tell us the gender."


I grabbed my keys, about to leave for my appointment when someone comes up and wraps their arms around my waist.

"Hey, Elton." I said, tilting my head for a kiss.

"Elton?!" Colby screamed, confused.

"What the fuck Colby? Why were your arms wrapped around me?"

"Oh dear god. I thought you were Haley. THIS is why hats should be banned in this house!" He said, throwing his arms into the air.

"Well, if hats are banned in this house..." I began, stealing the beanie from his head, "I guess I will just have to wear them outside of the house."

I ran out the door with Colby chasing me and jumped into my car. Once I was inside, I locked the doors and started driving. Colby smacked his hand against my window while I drove off laughing.


I pulled into the doctor's office, pulling the beanie off my head and putting my hat on. I walked into my appointment, getting called back right when I sat down.

"Good evening Ms. Swearingen, how are you doing today?" The nurse asked me.

"Great! I just really want to make sure my little girl is doing good."

"You're really confident, now aren't you."

"Yeah.." I stated. "I just have this feeling that it's a girl, especially since I want a boy. I have also looked it up and talked to a ton of my friends who have kids and they said this is how they felt when they were pregnant with their daughters."

I brushed my hair back while the nurse began spreading the ultrasound gel around my non-existant baby bump.

It was a cold but amazing feeling. The thought of a baby growing inside me, MY baby, is just amazing. I didn't think this day would ever come.

"Well, you're baby has a very strong heartbeat and looks to be doing great. Would you like a picture?" She asked me.

I paused for a moment, thinking of so many amazing pranks I could pull on Elton.

"Yes, I would. But I was also wondering, what would it look like if I were to be having twins?" I asked leading her to pull up a picture. "Would you mind printing that along with my real sonogram picture?"

She looked hesitant until I informed her it was for a prank, in which case she did it.

Once she was finished printing the images, I left the doctor's office and began driving home.


While I was pulling into the house, I saw everyone's cars sitting there. Perfect.

"Oh, hey Amanda!" Brennan said while leaving the house.

"Oh, thank god you're here." He looked confused. "I am planning on pranking everyone in like five minutes, can you set one of the camera's up in the living room for me? I suck at hiding camera?"

"Sure, no problem." Brennan said as he quietly followed me inside.

By the time Brennan had left and I was about to start pranking everyone, I already had two of the couples sitting in the living room, making my job a tad bit easier.

"Hey, I need to tell everyone something. Can you guy's stay here?" I asked Corey, Devyn, Haley and Colby.

"Elton! Aaron! Mack! Sam! Kat!" I screamed throughout house.

They all rushed down the stairs and asked what was going on, seeing as gatherings in the living room are never good.

"Sam and Kat are at the movies, what do you need?" Aaron asked as he wrapped his arms around Mack and picked her up, throwing her into the couch.

"So, I have something I need to say. And it might mean that Elton and I will need to move close to our parents instead of just next door." I began, taking a deep breath to make it more believable. "Today I just had an appointment for being six weeks along and... well... it's not a baby. It's two babies."

They all sighed before asking a ton of questions.

"Really?" Elton asked, standing up and putting his hand on my stomach.

"Yeah?" I said, still confused due to the tone of happiness in his voice.

"That's amazing." He hugged me.

I handed them all the sonogram and waited for it to be fully passed around to tell them the truth.

"Now, I have something else to say." I paused, pulling out the other sonogram that had 'WELCOME TO THE PRANK WARS' written on it. "Read the card."

They all read the card and laughed.


*Mack's P.O.V.*

"Read the card." Amanda told all of us, handing me the card.

I laughed and passed it on, giving everyone else a good laugh about the prank.

"Haha!" I screamed aloud, accidentally knocking off my hat.

My blue-tipped hair fell past my shoulders and everyone else seemed to notice before I did.

They all stared at me while I was listening to Amanda who stopped and just looked at me confused.

"Why are you guys st-" Aaron began. "Umm... babe? Your hair is blue?"

"I know. You don't like it?" I asked, answering his question with another question.

"No, I love it. I just didn't know you were planning on doing this." He said.

"Well, surprise!"

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