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"Colby! Haley! Come to our room! You need to see something!" Mackenzie yells out.

We walk towards Mackenzie and Aaron's room, and while on our way we see outlet plugs around the house. "Colby," I whisper. "why do we have those already? Amanda's only a month."

"I have no idea." He says.

We walk into their room and see a baby crib. "Mackenzie, what the f*ck is going on?"

"Just look in the crib." She says as Aaron holds onto her waist.

I slowly walk over to the crib and see something brown. What is going on? I get closer and see a German shepherd puppy sitting in the crib. I squeal just as loud as I did when I went to my first ever concert in seventh grade with Mackenzie. "Oh my god! No way!" I say as I gently pick up the dog. "Aww, he's so cute!" My first instinct is to run to the door, but Aaron stops me in my tracks.

"Where do you think you're going." He crosses his arms.

"God dang it Aaron!" I yell. "Why do you have to be so tall, and stronger, and bigger than me?" Mackenzie walks over and takes the puppy out of my hands and Aaron picks me up.

"Here," He says as he hands me to Colby. "take your girlfriend."

Colby laughs and it's like music to my ears.


"Colby, I have to leave for my hair appointment." I say. "I won't be home till later. It's going to be a few hours." I grab my keys and head outside while wearing Colby's snapback.


I open the front door and the bell rings. "Colby!" I yell. "I'm home!"

"In the gaming room with Corey!"

I start walking to the gaming room. "You guys are really addicted to Rocket League." I say as I walk into the room. 

"Who are you?" Corey asks.

"It's Haley, Corey. I live here."

"No you don't, Haley has brown hair. Not whatever the h*ll that color is."

"It's blue and purple, Corey."

"You're not Haley!"

"Corey, she did the same thing as Devyn." Colby states.

"She's Hannah Montana?!"

I face palm myself and sigh. "You're such an idiot."


"Colby!" I whine.

"What, babe?"

"Cuddles?" I hold my arms out wide and plop onto our bed. He smiles and I can see his adorable dimples.

"You're so cute."

I giggle as he walks over and lays down next to me. He pulls me close and wraps his arms around me, making me feel warm.


The next morning I wake up and Colby is yet again not in bed with me. "Colby!?" I run downstairs and I don't see him anywhere. "Colby!?" I yell out. "Where are you!?"

Sam walks over and sees me searching all over for Colby. "Haley, what are you doing?"

"Colby woke up before me again and I have no clue where he is!" I freak out.

"Calm down, he's just on the roof."

"What!?" I yell. "Why the f*ck is he up there!?"

"He's filming his vlog for Friday. He keeps saying he's a ninja."

"One day he's going to fall and hurt himself!"

I go into the hall upstairs and see the ladder waiting there for when Colby comes back out. I turn around to make sure no one was behind me because I'm only wearing on of Colby's shirts. I step out onto the roof and I don't see Colby anywhere. "Colby?"

He jumps out and screams and I jump. "God dammit Colby! Don't you f*cking do that again!" I say as he laughs and grabs his camera.

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