Killer In Camp!

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Morning shone through the opening of the cave. I stretched and winced when I knocked my wrist. I'd forgotten I'd hurt it. We walked out of the cave. "Anyone here?" Bellamy shouted out.

"Yea here." I saw some others come over. It was Jones and a few of the others from last night.

"Where were you?"

"In a cave just down a bit from here. What was that?" The girl asked.

"I dunno." Bellamy looked round "where's Atom?" Bellamy asked. Jones shrugged at him. I looked round and noticed Charlotte had wandered off.

"Charlotte?" I called out causing Bellamy to turn to me. A shriek caught our attention. We ran towards the sounds. I ran up to her. Looking over her head, I saw a body covered in red blisters, yellow pus oozing out. I heaved and looked away.

Bellamy ran towards him. Knelt down. "Kill me!" Atom struggled out. Jones and the others walked up to us. I looked at them. I felt Charlotte move. I went to grab her, but she pushed me away. As she reached Bellamy she handed him her knife.

"Don't be afraid!" She said as he took it. He looked at it and then up.

"Go back to camp." He ordered. "Charlotte and Athena you as well." Charlotte followed the others. Bellamy looked at me.

"I'm staying." He started to realise that he wouldn't win if he argued. So he nodded as I knelt down next to Atom.

"Please." I looked at Atom and saw Bellamy's hand move. "Bellamy please." He begged. I placed a hand over Bellamy's. A twig snapped causing us to both look up. We saw Clarke come out of the bushes.

"I heard screams."

"Charlotte found him. I sent her back to camp." He informed her.

She looked at Atom and shook her head. We all knew there was nothing that could be done for him. "Okay?" She told him kneeling down next to him. "I'm going to help you." She brushed his hair gently and hummed a tune. I could feel tears threatening my eyes. She took the knife from Bellamy and I turned away. The humming stopped. I knew that was it.


The walk back to camp was quiet. No one wanted to talk about the fog, or what they had seen. Clarke and Finn were up front, I was in the middle, Bellamy and Wells were behind carrying Atom. As we neared camp I heard shouting and people surrounding us. It all seemed a blur. The only voice I heard was Bellamy's.

"Get Clarke whatever she needs." Jones hurried off with Clarke and Finn. Bellamy then turned to Wells and I.

"I better get this grave dug!" Wells said looking at me then Bellamy. Bellamy nodded. He was just walking up to me when Octavia ran towards us.

"It's about time." My heart sunk! She had grown close to Atom. Even kissed him, much to Bellamy's disgust. "They're gonna kill Jasper. You got the medicine?" I tried to drag her away before she saw the body but it was too late.

"Octavia." Bellamy warned. "Just stay there please. Stay back." He tried to push her back, but she shoved his hands away.

"Why." She looked at him. "Stop." She knelt in the dirt and pulled the jacket off. Everyone gasped. I looked at her. Her face flooded with pain. "Atom?"

"There was nothing I could do." Bellamy told her,

She held her hands up. "Don't!" Tears filled her eyes. She leaned closer to Atom. Replacing the jacket. Bellamy tried to stop her from walking away, but she pushed past him. Murphy walked up to us. Seemingly unaffected by the whole situation.

"Did we lose anyone here?" Bellamy asked. His wall was up again.

"No." Murphy replied.


"Still breathing." He sighed looking at me. "Barely. I tried to take him out. But your pyscho little sister -." Before he could even finish Bellamy hand his hands on his jacket.

"My what? My what?" He yelled in Murphys face.

"Your little sister." He corrected himself.

"Yeah. That's right. My little sister, got anything else you wanna say about her?"

"Nothing sorry." Bellamy looked him up and down before he let him go and turned to Jones.

"Get him out of here!" He turned and looked at me. His features softened. I shook my head at him and went to the dropship. I climbed the ladder to where Jasper was. Clarke looked at me. Pain and anguish in her eyes. We'd lost people nearly every day since we got here. How long would it be till I died, or lost someone I cared about, like Octavia. Hell I've nearly lost Jasper.


Next day I woke to hear that a body had been found behind the wall. It was Wells. I ran to the dropship to see how Clarke was doing. We sat talking about Wells and what he was like before Clarke was locked up. Octavia came running in and told us that Bellamy wanted us in his tent. This should be good I thought. We went over and found him, Octavia, Jasper and Finn stood staring at a couple of fingers and a knife.

Clarke looked at the knife. "The knife was made out of metal from the dropship." She stated looking at it closely.

"What do you mean?" Jasper asked. It was good seeing Jasper up and about.

"Who else knows about this?" Bellamy asked ignoring Jasper's question.

"No one, we brought them right here." Octavia replied not taking her eyes of the fingers.

"Clarke?" Jasper asked sounding slightly scared.

She sighed still looking at the knife. "It means the Grounders didn't kill Wells. One of us did."

"Great." I said running a hand through my tangled hair. "We have a murderer in camp."

"There's more than one murderer in this camp!" Bellamy added. "This isn't news. We need to keep this quiet." Clarke shook her head and stormed to the tent flap. Bellamy stepped in her way.

"Get out of my way Bellamy!" She said through gritted teeth.

"Clarke, be smart about this!" He looked at her. "Look at what we've achieved; the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the Grounders killed Wells is good for us."

"Good for you you mean?" She sneered at him. "What? Keep people afraid, and they'll work you? Is that it?"

"Yeah! That's it." He looked at her. "But it's good for all of us. Fear of the Grounders is building the wall. And beside what you gonna do? Go out there and ask the killer to step forward? You don't even know whose knife it is!"

"Oh really?" She held up the knife. "J.M. John Murphy. These people have a right to know." He looked at me gobsmacked. He followed her, I decided to stay in the tent. I could hear the commotion outside. Yelling, cheering. It stopped. I left the tent to see what was going on. After a small search I saw everyone gathered around a tree. As I got closer I saw that Murphy was tied to a rope hanging from the tree. The only thing stopping him from strangling was a box under his feet.

Bellamy was walking closer to Murphy. Not an emotion on his face. I could hear Clarke telling him not to do this. As I got to the front of the crowd Bellamy kicked the box from under Murphy. His body fell and he was left dangling. "This is on you princess." He said with a snarle in his voice. "You should've kept your mouth shut." He turned and saw me there. A flash of regret swept his face. I looked away and towards Octavia who was holding Charlotte back.

"Stop." I heard Charlotte called. "Murphy didn't kill Wells." My stomach got a sudden feeling of fear, as everyone fell silent. "I did!" My whole body froze. How could a small child do that. I saw Clarke run over and cut Murphy down.

Bellamy rushed over to her and pulled her to his tent. I followed along with Octavia, Clarke and Finn.

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