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"No! please stop!" I begged as the Captain pulled away.

"Stop! You stole rations. Rations which could have saved someone." He hit me again. I could feel my eye swelling, my lips bleeding. I was surprised that no one noticed when I was taken back to my cell.

"My mother needed them. She was in so much pain." I let my head drop. If I hadn't stolen it I wouldn't be here. I thought getting arrested would have stopped the abuse. It just made it worse. I felt a burning sensation on my back. It wasn't until I smelt burning flesh that I realised it was my skin that was burning. I screamed out, begging them to stop. I saw a young guard come in. I looked up though my head was still hanging down. Sweat soaked hair falling about my face. I could see him looking at me.

"What do you want cadet!" The man snarled.

"Ah! The Chancellor wants you." He replied looking at me still.

"Forget what you saw here. If you want to keep your job that is." The cadet nodded and followed the Captain out of the room. I was left with one guard. He pulled the lighter away from me. Looked at me and then at the door. He walked to the door and closed it.

He turned round to me, smiling. He sauntered over and crouched down. Lifting my head he leaned in. "You and me! We're going to have a little fun of our own."

I was finally lead back to my cell after being told to clean up. I sat against the wall. Feeling the coolness soothe my burns. I pulled my legs closer to my chest and sobbed quietly to myself. That night they had broken me. But I thought. Whilst they were doing this to me, they were leaving others alone. I hoped!


I was woken by a huge gun shot. I jumped up and went to the front of the dropship. I saw Clarke sway just on the ramp holding a gun in the air.

"Not to state the obvious." Bellamay shouted. "But your quarantine isn't working!"

Clarke fell slightly, Finn dove into catch her, much to Ravens cries of no. "Hey. Let me go! I'm ok!" Clarke protested, even though she clearly wasn't.

"There's no cure." Octavia shouted as she came up to the dropship. "But the Grounders don't use the sickness to kill."

"Really?" Bellamy said looking at his sister. He turned to face the ones we had lost. "Tell that to them." He pointed. "I warned you about seeing that grounder again!"

"Yeah? Well I have a warning for you to!" She turned to face everyone. "The Grounders are coming! And they attack at first light." She shouted so that everyone could hear.

Bellamy turned to Raven. "How many bullets can you make by first light." She told him something and they both went off to the tent. I hated seeing him going into tents with other girls. Octavia must have seen me looking as she came over to me.

"Hey Athena." I smiled at her. "We haven't spoken in ages. He does like you, even if he does wander of with other girls. He is just afraid to show feelings."

I nodded at her. "He knew!" I said looking at her. "He knew what the guards did to me before you turned up." Octavias eyes went wide. I'd never told her about the guard and what they did. All she knew is that it was bad and when she turned up they stopped. "He said he tried to stop it, but they told him it wasn't his place."

"Maybe he did try and stop it. Whatever it was." She looked at me. I could tell she wanted to know. I suppose now was a good time as any.

"When I was put in the skybox I was put in on my own as most of the cells had two in already. Being on my own made me an easy target. They didn't have witnesses. I was 15 when it started. They would take me out of the box and walk me down to the "recreation" room. It's what they told the other delinquents. They took me to a room alright, but it wasn't the rec room. They used to tie me to a wall, gag me. Then they would beat me. Tell me that I had it coming cus I stole from them. They could have used the painkiller and pills to actually help someone. The beating turned to burning. Then when I turned 16 things went one step further." I stopped and wiped a blood tear from my eyes. I looked at Octavia and I saw she was on the verge of crying. "They broke me in so many ways O, they took something from me that I can never get back."

I sat there leaning against the dropship. Octavia had given me a blanket to keep me warm. "Bell?" Octavias worried voice made me look over. I saw Bellamy being carried into the dropship. I rushed over and helped. We laid him down on a bed that Murphy had ever so nicely given up. I held his head in my hands, as Octavia cleaned him up. "Hey big brother." She whispered to him.

"I'm scared." His breathing was rapid and I could feel him shaking. I looked down at him and smiled.

"Big Bellamy Blake scared. Nah don't be silly." I chuckled.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." Octavia leaned in and whispered to her brother.

He smiled. "That's what I said to you. The day you were born!"

"I know." She smiled at him. "You told me that, like a hundred times."

"I'm glad you're here." He chocked out.

"Just get some rest. Okay?"

His eyes fluttered shut as his head rolled to the side. He was out like a light. I laid down next to him shut my eyes. Not once letting go of his hand.

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