Changes, relatives, supplies. 1

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Ali's P.O.V
I couldn't help but get emotional the last few days before the big trip. My close friends, the little family I had here, my pets, I'd miss them all. But this is necessary. It's an enormous opportunity for my father and I'd be selfish if I told him I wanted to stay. I currently live in California and go to a no-mag school since Ilvermorny is more then a bit far from where I live and my father taught me everything regarding magic. I'm going to the UK because 1. My father got a job in the UK's Ministry of Magic and 2. To spend time with family I have on his side, mainly Aunt Eileen and Cousin Severus. It's been years since I've seen them and from what I hear it's the fault of Severus' brute of a father. How Aunt Eileen married him in the first place is beyond me but, I digress.
It's now August 27th, 1974 and the day before we finally leave.
Packing the rest of my belongings I can't help but think back at the last time I saw my dear cousin Severus. He had befriended a sweet little no-mag-born girl Lily so he wasn't completely miserable but, anytime he'd come home he'd avoid his father as much as he could and we'd end up going to the attic or somewhere outside the house. Honestly anywhere as long as we wouldn't hear the screams of belligerence and pain coming from Tobias and Aunt Eileen respectively. He was so frail, Severus. So pale, you wonder if he's malnourished. I can only hope he's gotten better but as long as his delightful father is in their lives, I find it difficult to believe so. In any case, within a day or two I'll be there so to help him as much as I can. Till then I can only rest up till I get on the plane tomorrow.

After around 5,000 good-byes, tears, hugs and a day of travel on the plane we made it to our hotel near Cokeworth. We decide against staying with Aunt Eileen. They're not only tight on space but on money as well, not to mention it probably wouldn't be a most pleasant stay since dear old Uncle Tobias would be there.

After feeling rested up for another day we headed over to their home in Spinner's End. To say the sight was dreary is an understatement. It's not so much how poor the house looks on the outside and in, but how miserable the people who live in it look. I greeted Aunt Eileen, looking quite hagard despite always looking an unconventional type of beautiful to me, and Sev, just as pale as the last time I saw him but tall and very thin, with as much enthusiasm as I could muster, I give him a hug. Seeing as Tobias wasn't there it wasn't as awful as it might have been. They invited us in for tea. With his house, you can judge by the cover cause it's shitty on the inside as well. I never understood why they never accepted our help, then again I never understood why Eileen took a liking to an abusive no-mag but then I was told she had gotten pregnant with Severus before they had gotten married and since that was seen as indecent they got married and stayed in the loveless marriage out of fear. Her out of fear he'd hurt Sev and herself, him out of fear of dying alone since no one but Eileen had ever been so tolerant of his bullshit. I assumed it was pride that prevented them from accepting help in any way and it seems I was correct in a way, more because of Snapes fragile ego but still. God forbid someone help his poor family. It's not like they need it or deserve to live like actual human beings, of course.
Rather than talk about that twat I decided to go off with Severus after a while and just talk. He was as shy as last time I had seen him, only muttering short responces at first. Until I got him talking about school and Lily. Since I'll be going in to my 3rd year in his school, "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry", I figured I should learn what I can about it. "There are four main houses" he said with his deep voice I was still not used to "Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each of the houses were named after the four founders of Hogwarts. Gryffindor, house of the brave, chivalrous, and reckless with a lack of common sense, and filled to the brim with gits, with the odd exceptions, their house colours are red and gold. They seem to be the schools favourites, always win house cup no matter how unlikely the circumstances Dumbledore always seems to 'forget' to give out points to them until right before any other house is named house cup winner. Hufflepuff, particularly good finders, loyal, hardworking, usually laboural people. They tend to be very nice, always help others, anyone regardless of house, their colours are black and yellow. Slytherin, my house and house of the ambitious, cunning and resourceful. We understand that the world isn't always rainbows and butterflies for everyone and if something we need isn't given to us we take it, however the means. There's a misconception that were all pureblood supremacists and I suppose it's not an uncommon occurrence but it's not a rule of ours. If it were I wouldn't have been admitted seeing as I'm only half-blood, and finally Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw is the house of wisdom, wit and creativity. House is full of oddballs but I suppose I'm not one to talk, some of the smartest wizards in history have been sorted into Ravenclaw. They are very studious and like to be as knowledgable as they can be, a trait I find quite admirable. They never really give anyone trouble. The rivalries in the houses are mainly between Slytherin and Gryffindor." After talking for a while my father let me know it was time to go since tomorrow we'd be going school shopping. As I got to the hotel I wondered how long we'd be staying here. "Till you get settled in school. The house we've got here is still under construction so I've pretty much gotta stay here for another two weeks or so and you only have 5 days." he replied with a grimace. "Great, so are you just gonna leave my stuff in my bags until I can unpack?" I said hoping to God he'd say yes, seeing as having my father unpack my menstrual supplies, underwear and bras would be awkward for us both. "If you'd like, I figure you'd probably like to sort them yourself anyways." With a relief I retired to my room and slept the whole night through.
"We're almost finished Dad, just a pet and my wand left to go." After having gotten my pet, and listening to my dad whine about how long this was taking we headed to Ollivanders. We entered the dark looking shop that despite the dark ambiance, felt quite comforting.
"Ah, Mr.Elias Antonio Prince. How many years has it been?"
I turn my head to see a man, a no-mag would think looks to be about mid 60's. My father greets him with a warm smile and handshake "Too many Mr.Ollivander. How have you been?"
As they made small talk I wandered the shop. Thousands upon thousands of wand boxes stacked on top of each other.
"And what might this lovely girls name be? If I may be so bold?" as he looked at me with kind eyes
"My name's Alexandra Prince. Pleasure."
"Well, Miss Alexandra, let's get you fitted for a wand."
Since not being able to attend Ilvermorny and not being able to go get one back home even when we could since my dad 'didn't trust American wands', I'd always practice with his wand any time I could. But I'm happy to finally get a wand that fully understands me.
After failing with about a dozen and a half of wands, one of which ended up lighting some boxes on fire and another accidentally cracking a window, he found me the one.
"Ah, Black walnut wood, dragon heartstring core, 25.4 cm, unyielding flexibility. A strong wand for a strong witch or wizard. It's strange, there's never before been a wand like this . Not even remotely close. In fact, Black walnut wood is rarely used for wands since it's difficult to find people who would work with this wood so well it would remain loyal to him or her. Treat this wand kindly Miss, as it is rare that one would find themselves in the possesion of such a utensil."
"Well it's not like I plan on wielding my wand like a sword or hammer or something. I don't think it would be easy to damage one."
"Yes well, it was good seeing you Mr.Ollivander. I'll be coming back soon my wand is in need of a replenishing." my dad spoke up
"Of course Mr.Prince, you're welcome to my store anytime."
"I'm sorry about the lighting some inventory on fire and the window and stuff."
"Oh don't mind it dear, a quick reparo charm should work like, well, a charm."
Heading out we ran into some people my dad seemed to know, a Mr.Fleamont Potter.
"Fleamont, Euphema, hello. How are you?" a kindly woman with brown hair and hazel eyes looked over to us while holding on to, presumably her husband's arm.
"Eli, hello. Fine, just getting some new supplies for our son, James."
"Elias, yes. Hello, haven't seen you in years. Where have you been?" The man had salt and pepper hair as well and blue eyes. Worry and laugh lines were an obvious feature on his face, he looked almost too old to be the father of kid who goes to Hogwarts. Both of them actually looked a bit old to be parents of a person close to my age. They looked to be nearing 60.
While they talked it was obvious their son was bored. He had shaggy hair, like his father's and hazel eyes like his mother. His features like a young version of his father, but looked much more...punchable, for lack of a better term.
"Hey, you must be James. I'm Alexandra."
"An American? Hmp, not like I pictured one."
"How did you picture an American to look?"
"Savage mostly. Antiquated concept but it's not like people come out of their habits and traditions easily."

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