Vigilante Brigade and a Special Gift 11

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Sirius' P.O.V-

"Still no luck on figuring out who that bracelet belongs to?" asks Moony
Sitting in the library is James, Wormy and I, crowded around the bloody bracelet.
Moony just walked in with a slightly concerned look on his face.
"Not a damn clue." replied James, with a seemingly permanent look of frustration in his face.
Peter chimes in saying "I've been looking through some spell books, seeing if there's anyway we could potentially trace this bracelet back to its owner. What I've found hasn't given me much hope."
"Well it's more then what we can think of apparently so tell us." I demand, looking at Peter expectantly.
"One spell is called Oriquaeritis, but it's usually used to retrieve lost items. Supposed to lead the object back to its original user. Another is Verus Dominus, it's supposed to give things back to the person who owned it originally but that could possibly lead us back to the person who gave her the bracelet as a gift and that wouldn't help us much."
"I reckon they're worth a shot." Moony said
"Alright," I said, standing up and getting my wand out "What wand movements do I have to make?"
Peter looks in the book with an almost scared look on his face
"Point your wand up, and swish down until you're pointing at the object, for both spells."
Looking at the damned jewelry I say "Oriquaeritis." and the bracelet vanishes
Spooked, the lads start looking for it.
"Peter!", says James "you didn't say our only lead would vanish without a trace!"
"I didn't know! I thought I was helping!" he said, panicked and looking for it.
"Calm down Prongs, if anything the girl who owns it might be seen wearing it and we might be able to identify her." says Moony
"You're right, we should relax. Its obviously not here so we shouldn't bother ourselves looking," I say "Let's get something to eat."
James agrees still slightly irritated and says "Fine, sounds good."

Lexi's P.O.V

Merlin, luck is truly on our side.
A few hours ago Jack was in the library while the Witless Wonders were also there, cracking their skulls trying to figure out who the bracelet belonged to. Turns out we had a lot less to worry about them we thought. Not only did he hear them talking about how they were gonna pin-point who the bracelet belonged too, but he saw them try to use a spell to find out. Of course they executed the spell incorrectly and Jack, thinking quickly, used the spell mistake to his advantage and made it seem like the worked for them and made the bracelet vanish from their sight. In reality he just used accio, and brought the bracelet to him.
He went to Sabrina in the hall and gave it back to her inconspicuously and told her that she can't wear it anymore because they'll know it was hers.
"Merlin's pants, lucky Jack was in the library when he was. Who knows what could've happened if they managed to pin it on Sabby?" I say, thankful to Jack
"Agreed, thanks Jacky." Sabrina says, putting the bracelet in her pocket
"You're welcome. Now may I just ask what in Merlin's beard you four were thinking when you did that? You could've been hurt! You could've been seen! It was one thing when Severus said he had done it, it didn't make any sense and frankly I thought it was uncharacteristically stupid of him to do something like that knowing full well if he was caught by those boys that not only could he have gotten hurt from them but could've hurt himself by trying to magically manipulate a magical forest who's power could not only destroy Dumbledore but even all the founders themselves! But I also knew he was an intelligent and talented lad who could possibly do that and end up unscathed. But now it makes sense. He didn't do that, he knows better. You four did that and he wanted to protect you. He was going to put himself on the train tracks for you and save your reckless bums!"
Violet, Sabrina, Lola and I all look to the ground, slightly ashamed.
I spoke up "In our defense, we did try to convince Severus to tell the truth and told Lily the truth. She didn't believe us and Sev is too stubborn to admit it. We would never knowingly let someone undeserving get hurt by something we did."
"Well that's quite gracious and all, but what you all did was still extremely thoughtless. I'm not one to berate, in fact I loath doing it because that seems to be all that my brother wants to do with me. But I feel I must make you understand the kind of trouble you could've gotten into." he continues
"I understand Jack, but can you put yourself in our shoes for a minute? We've seen how much damage they've caused not only Severus and all the rest of us, but other students, too? No one ever does anything to them! They're always so afraid to, and I can't even really blame them! They're horrible! And not just them! We can't stand soooo many Slytherins that walk around here like they're just the absolute best and treat half-bloods and muggleborns like you and Sev like garbage because of a genetic property! I don't even know if it's better or worse that the Witless Wonders don't discriminate by blood and instead discriminate by house!" I explain
"Exactly," pipes in Violet "they've treated anyone not in Gryffindor like rubbish and nobody ever tells them to stop. Or if they do, those awful boys just laugh in their face and disrespect them or worse. Nobody knows how dangerous what we did was better then me, Jackson. I was terrified, quite literally shaking from fear of not just getting caught but that those boys might find out it was us. But then I thought of my little siblings. What if someone like those boys hurts them while they were just studying for an exam? Or during quid? I would want someone to do something about that." she concludes with tears threatening to spill
"Girls, I understand. But if you all had gotten hurt, it would have done little to nothing to help." Jack said, in an understanding tone
"It still would have felt better then having done absolutely nothing at all." she insisted
"I know Lexi, Lola and I are purebloods. And that I'm even in Slytherin myself", said Sabrina "but it makes me physically sick when I see not just those assholes picking on Severus in class and during meals, but I also see fellow Slytherins hurting him in our house common room. Merlin knows what the boys do to him in the boys common room."
"Everyone knows there's a bullying problem in this school. Students teachers, probably even Ministry workers. Nobody has been bothered enough to really do anything about it besides hand out some mild detentions like those will really do anything," added Lola "we want to stop assholes from being assholes. And were started with the ratpack from Gryffindor."
"Girls you can't just form a vigilante brigade and distribute your own form of justice..."
"Then what are we to do Jack? Sit here and rot?" asked Vi, extremely irritated at Jack's apparent conformity
"No! But you can't just try to fuck with them and it possibly ending in you all getting hurt because you decided to didn't need anyone's help in destroying the tyranical regime of some immature, incognitive, arses! As intelligent and kind as you girls are you're still just 3rd years with limited knowledge and skill. You're all talented but you need to reign your power and know how and when to use it. You need to truly be strategic and calculative, not just go and attack something you think might hurt them. I admire your enthusiasm and initiative but please don't go off getting yourselves in danger because you got angry." he concludes and looks pink in the face from how genuinely worried and stressed he got
"Alexandra may I converse with you, alone?" he asks, looking to the other girls for them to leave
"Uh, sure. Guys I'll catch up with you later." I said, letting Jack take my hand and lead me to an empty classroom
Ali's P.O.V-

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