Not the Spontaneous Type 17

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Sirius' P.O.V -

"You know it wouldn't kill you both to try and be nicer to others." suggested Remus as we walked away from a kid in 2nd year.
"Always so dramatic Remus. You act like we torment people, he'll be fine." James promised
"You used the leg-binding jinx on him then used a memory charm on him so he wouldn't remember it was us." he said irritated
"I would hardly use the word us, Moons. All you did was stop him from back-mouthing James and I anymore. Saved him more grief than he would've had otherwise." I said
"Exactly, but I didn't stop either of you. I'm an accomplice."
"Well naturally. Everyone should know where their loyalties lie." James said
"Poor lad's going to be in the infirmary for two days. Do you two not feel any remorse?" Moony asked almost indignant
"No. Lad needs to learn to keep 'is fat yap shut." I state "'Sides, you spout this like we've crippled 'im. He'll be good as new in no time. If you ask me, we even let 'im off too easy."
"Are you mad? Poor boy already needs medical assistence and was humiliated, a bit much don't you think, Pete?" asks Remus trying to get someone in his side
"Well, honestly I wouldn't know. I mean I suppose he was hurt but he also needs to know how place." he said, essentially staying neutral so to not piss anyone off.
"Urgh, fine. Honestly you three will give me grey hair before I'm thirty." he says "Anyhoo, I'm off to the library to study. Please try not to send Madam Pomfrey any more patients."
"You're off to study alone? You usually want one of us to come along." says Pete, pointing something out I usually wouldn't have noticed. I look to James and he seems to be thinking the same thing.
"Yeah, you're going alone?" he asks
"Yeah," he says nervously "figure I should be able to study on my own like a big boy."
"Really? Are you sure? I wanted to get some studying in myself, actually. Mind if I tag along?" asks Peter again, reaching for his wand
"No no, really. I should probably go alone. I'll meet up with you all later." he says, speedwalking away
"Did he seem a tad off to you, lads?" James asks
"Yeah, like real secretive." I say
"...Should we follow'im?" asks Worm
"Maybe. But what could be the worst thing he'd be hidin'?" I say
"I don't know, but I don't like the idea of any of us hiding anything from each other." James says proudly "We're a team, brothers practically. We don't keep things from each other."
"Right then, to the library."
It's a Thursday afternoon, professors usually do exams on Fridays so the library is packed full of students studying last minute. We looked for ages but we never saw Remus. Tired, we head back to the commonroom.
"Are we sure he said library?" asks Pete
"Completely. Did he change his mind last minute?" I ask, genuinely curious since Moon isnt the spontaneous type.
"I don't know, it's not like him to just not study."
Coming up to the fat lady painting in front of our dorms she says "Password?" in an obnoxiously sing-songy voice
"Brava" says Peter
And she slowly opens the door to make sure we could hear at least part of her awful song. Not much to our shock, we see Moony laying by the fire. He's holding a book, but paying more attention to something on his arm.
"Oi, Moons!" shouts Later, catching his attention. Seeing us, he pulls his sweater sleeve down and smiles opening his book back up.
"Weren't you supposed to be at the library?" I ask as I sit in a chair near the couch he's laying on
"Yeah I intended to, then someone told me how crowded it was. Figured I could probably get more studying some here than there." he explained
"That actually makes a lot of sense." says James "Now tell us where you really were."
"I bet you pardon?" he asks innocently
"" I prod jokingly
"I told you all, I was here. Ask Johnson. He's been here as long as I have."
Johnson, a wirey, dark skinned boy with rough features is sitting by the window with his owl, writting a letter. "Ey, Johnson." I call his name and he looks toward us, cautiously.
"Yeah?" He asks
"Has Remus been here this whole time?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"You think so?" prods James "Are you sure?"
"Fairly. I wasn't paying much attention. But yeah, he's been here for a fair bit of time."
"See? Well, it's nearly curfew. I'm heading down to the kitchens for a last snack then I'm off to bed." says Remus. "Now it's quite cold tonight, anyone else fancy a hot chocolate?"
Immediately Wormtail stands up to join him and they walk off towards the door. Once they leave James puts his hand on my shoulder and asks "He wouldn't be hiding worsening Moon symptoms, would be? I mean he knows we wouldn't judge him, right?" he looks insecure for the first time in a long while. Not like 'when-we-found-the-bracelet' insecure, more like 'is-he-hurt' insecure.
"Well I doubt that, mate. I've never heard of a worsening case of lycanthopy, unless he decides to give in to his canine urges all month long. Which he hasn't, he's not Greyback." I assure him, though his face just changes from worried to annoyed then.
"Then what could he be hiding?"
"...I really don't know, mate."

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