The Help and The Accident 15

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Ali's P.O.V-

Ali....Ali.... I hear a sing-songy voice while looking at Jack smiling at me and laughing
Startled I burst awake and look around
My eyes settle to the darkness and see Sabrina with Lola in tow.
"What are you two doing here?!" I ask / whiper-yell
"We wanted to go for a swim." answers Sabrina, in a perky way while Lola looks at her almost angry
"We?" she pokes
"Fine, I wanted to go for a swim but I didn't wanna go alone. C'mon it'll be fun." she whispers
"Sabrina it'll be freezing. It's February in Scotland." says an irritated Lola
"Not to mention if we get caught we could get into serious trouble..." I add
"I have needs, girls. I did it alone all last year but once a Gryfindor Prefect almost caught me and I got scared to go alone."
"Needs?" I ask
"I'm a quarter siren Ali, I need to swim often. I'd get rusty if I didn't shift once in a while. I can't can't shift in the girls' showers without terrifying them." she explains
"Oh please, girls! It's medicinal!"

After a quiet moment Lola and I agree, begrudgingly and against our better judgement, to go with her to The Lake.
Once we managed to get out of the commonroom and past Filch, our awful custodian who seems to
hate students with a passion, Peeves; the Hogwarts poltergeist who loves being a nuissance, and out towards Black Lake, Sabrina squeals and jumps in.
Immediately her skin becomes a little more pale and translucent, her eyes are blue-er, her hair is stronger and longer but obviously wet, and her tail...oh man, her tail. It was a gradual change from her more human-looking skin to her scales. Her scales were shades of beige matching her skin, it glimmered like rhinestones.
     "I haven't sang in a while, kind of impossible to so here too loud without getting caught."  complains Sab
   "Well you can sing a little, I don't think they could tell between your songs and pure siren songs." says Lola
   "Yeah they can, cause I don't sing siren songs.  I sing whatever I can think of."
   "Does that mean you can desire whethat not to make it a siren lure or a regular song?" I ask
   "Well yeah, I do it all the time and no body's found out so far." she says proudly
   "What do you mean?" asks Lola confused
    "I mean there's a reason why most of Slytherin's third year boys drool when they see me.  It's not just cause I'm hot." she explains
"I've gotten them to do me a ton of... favours.."
   "Sab...what do you mean favours?" Lola asks, suspicious of her doings.
   "Like I haven't had to write a single one of my own papers since I've been here.  Randal Thomas has taken care of those for me."
    "Randal Thomas?  The tall dark-haired boy in potions?  He's so shy, when did he offer to do this?" Lola has a worried look on her face now
    "About 30 seconds after I lured him to my bed and had a conversation with him.  We reached a nice agreement."
    "What did this agreement consist of?" I ask
     "I sing to him whenever he asks me to, and he writes me my research papers."
    "You sing to him?" I ask for clarification "what do you sing to him? When???"
   "Whenever and whatever he asks.  He can't get enough of me." She says, looking satisfied with herself
     "Sab that can be dangerous.  Siren songs have proven to have a lasting effec-" I was saying while she cut me off
    "Yeah I know I know, it could hurt people but that's only when you're a full-blood.  Mine is just addictive like cigarettes, not crack."
   "Well, Sab regardless.  I'd be careful.  Have you used it on others?" asks Lola
   "Well yeah, I'm lazy by nature." She says laughing
   "Who?" we ask in unison
"Well, you know about Randy, there's Francis who helps me study although that's more because he wants to sleep with me cause I didn't sing to him.  There's Howard Dennings, who helps my in Quidditch."
   "I have to ask, you're lazy by nature.  Why did you join the Quid team?" asks Lolita
   "To piss off the Witless Wonders." she answers cheekily
    "But you always sucked at sports, how would Howard help you?"
   "Well they made me a beater, he's a beater too. He takes all the balls for me, and I make him think I might take his..."
   "Gross..." I say
"Oh grow up Lexi, you're going to take them yourself sooner or later with Jack.." she says giggling
   "How is he by the way?" asks Lola
"He's good, got hurt pretty bad during quid practice yesterday so he's been in the infermary since." I explain
   "Oh I heard about that, poor baby." says Sab "Maybe we could go visit him.  Give him a late night treat.."she winks at me
   "Yeah and then when were caught by Pomfrey we could write him letters from back home." I say sarcastically "Were pushing our luck being out here as it is."
    "Urgh, you're both dorks..." she says going completely under water.
   "She's insane..." laughs Lola
"Shit, it's freezing..."
  "Yeah, I wish I had brought a jacket down or something..." I say
   "Use Accio." she says
"I'm pretty sure my window's closed."
  "Damn.  I'm cold too."
Resurfacing Sabrina looks at us and says "You guys look cold."
    "Really? I'm boiling." I say sarcastically
  "Urgh?  You girls wanna go back already?  It hasn't even been 15 minutes."
   "You're not cold, Sab.  We forgot jackets and can't regulate our temperatures like you can."  complains Lola
   "Five more minutes?" she pleads
We look at each other
She goes back under and her tail flips up
   "She really has a lot of fun..with anything." I say
  "I'm.Fucking.Freezing." she complains
   "I'm worried about Sev." I say
Looking my way she looks concerned
"What?  Problems with Lily?"
"No, his folks."
    "What his dad's being a dick again?"
"Something like that."
     "Well gimme the skinny." she whines
   "He beat his mom."
"We already knew that."
   "Bad.  Real bad."
    "Like, he seriously hurt her?"
  "Yeah, she's been staying in my dads house to be safe."
   "What did he do?"
   "He caused her some internal bleeding, knocked her out for a good minute while he went back to drinking.  Sev didn't know anything, she had been keeping him completely in the dark about everything.  It wasn't till my dad wrote him that he found out."
    "Oh my God that's awful."
   "That's not all, he's wasted all of their money, what little they had of it, on gambling and booze."
    "Oh my God.  Are they gonna be okay?"
   "They might loose the house..."
  "Why doesn't she leave him?  This isn't healthy for her or Sev."
   "There's things tying her hands.  She's not staying because she wants to."
    After a moment of stark silence, Sabrina resurfaced again.
   "Alright.  I'm a lot less tense now.  Let's go."
   We start getting ready to leave
"Well now what are they gonna do?"asks Lola and asks Sabrina, "Are you caught up?"
   "I only got that Sev's dad is an asshole and I already knew that."
   "He beat his mom to an inch of her life and lost all their money by being an irresponsible dick." I catch her up
"And I don't know what were gonna do.  But my dad's going berserk and I don't know how to help."
   "What has Severus said?" asks Sab
"That he needs his dad gone."
   "Like what, his mom and dad to separate?"
    "Like gone, from this earth." I elaborate
    "Oh shit..." says Lola
"I'm always willing and able to help." says Sabrina, nonchalantly
   "I always love observing the differences between you two, and I'm sure hed appreciate your gumption Sabby but he doesn't want anyone involved."  I explain
  "What?" they say together
  "He can't try to pull off a murder all by himself.  As smart as he is he would probably get caught and spend the rest of his life in Azkaban." says Lola
   "Or no-mag prison." adds Sabrina
"I know, but he doesn't want anyone involved."

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