Cousin Diego 14

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Ali's P.O.V-

Peaches, the screech owl Sabrina got me for Christmas loves to wake us up particularly early in the morning on Saturdays. The only reason I tolerate it is because of how freaking pretty she is and because I love animals more then people most of the time.
After feeding Peaches the sausage I wouldn't eat, I took the letter from her claws and it read so;
I am writing to you asking about my little sister. Sabby as you know, she can get defensive when she feels someone or something might attack her or her loved ones so please be watchful and try to restrain her border-line murderous urges.
Now that the heavy is out of the way, how have you been doing Querida? Is Hogwarts all your father said it was? How are your grades? And how's that little boyfriend of yours? Jack or Black? Oh who could keep track. Hey, that rhymed!
Well, best wishes to all of you. Please take note of what I said!
Te quiero,
Tu primo Diego.

Well, not the first time a relative of mine came with a warning. With the holidays ending, class was gonna resume pretty soon and I suppose Sabrina and gotten to telling the family about our little adventures.
I head to the dining hall and see Sev at the Slytherin table as always, and I sit next to him.
"Well, seems like you're not the only cousin warning me to ease up on the Witless Wonders." I say as he eats his oats.
"Why's that?"
"My cousin Diego wrote me a letter essentially asking me to do the same."
"Well I can't particularly blame him, you girls are quite the handful."
"Especially with Sabrina, she's a quarter mermaid you know."
"She is? Well that explains a lot. Does she sing?" he asked, finishing his bowl and starting on another plate
"Not well on land, but yes." I say laughing "she actually looks somewhat strange in the water. A little more like what no-mags think mermaids look like but not quite."
"Well as long as she doesn't look like the aggressive, murderous mermaids in Black Lake, then she should be alright, correct?"
"Eh, sorta. I mean, she has a tail but her too half looks like her human self was dipped in slime."
"Ooh, that's somewhat...repulsive..." he says, trying to be polite.
"Yeah, and her tail is the same shade as her skin. And no scales."
"No scales? Doesn't that hurt her skin?"
"Well I guess her skin is more durable because she has no scales." I reason
"Hmm. I wonder if her hair would work as well as mermaid hair would for a potion..." he ponders
"You could ask her, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."
"Are you sure? Usually people with mixed heritages get offended."
"No, I'm sure she'll be fine."
"Well if you're certain. Here they come. Would they be my cousins too?" he asks
"By marriage, if not by blood."
"Hmm. Noted." he replies curtly
Their voices wound louder the closer they come
"No Loli! Think! I mean if they feel like they can just walk around all tall and mighty right now it's because they're self esteem are stupidly high!"
"Well we can't just make them hate themselves!" Lola responds, seeming confused.
"Why not? I did it all the time back home." Sabrina says, amused then turns toward us
"Hello familia, and familio."
Laughing we respond with a general "hi" or "hello".

"So Lexi," she begins as Lola sits between her and Sev "do you think the Witless Wonders self-esteems are far too high?"
"Well, 3/4 of them."
"What do you mean?" she asks
"Lupin doesnt think very highly of himself. Not sure why."
"Oh, well he wasn't really my target anyway so doesn't matter." shrugging, she continues
"But the other three, Black, Potter and Pettigrew?"
"Well yeah, they suck."
"Yes but their esteems?"
"Yes they're huge, why?"
"Well I was talking to Lola and she agrees as well but doesn't know what to do with this information."
"Uhh, alright. And?"
"Urgh, you don't get it either?" she says slightly irritated
"You know Sabs, shockingly enough not everyone immediately jumps in the 'let's ruin their view of themselves' train." Lola said sarcastically
"Well that's their mistake." she said with her head held high and a smug look on her face
Sev snaps his fingers and says "Alright Sabrina, your point?"
"My point is to lower them in authority we have to make them feel like they're not the shit, but just shit."

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