Smoke and an Interesting Boy 5

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Ali's P.O.V-

After Lily and us sat at Sev's table for. maybe a total of 3 seconds, the three assholes and Lupin headed over. While Lupin has a chagrin on his face, Pettigrew looked at me with a bit of fear, Black and Potter had the usual smirks I've wanted to smack off since I met them. Potter of course always has to have the first and last word.
"Having fun with the snake and the birdies, are you Evans?" Looking oher to us he says "Careful birdies, snakes have been known to eat your kind."
"Potter are you always a creep? And if you are, is it something you try at or something you naturally are?" I ask irritated but also kinda genuinely curious
"I'm just looking out for you ladies. Snakes bite lions too Evans."
"Piss of Potter. Don't you have quid practice or something?" sneers Lils
"Not for another hour, why? Did you have something in mind you'd like to do?" he asks a cold looking Lily
"Why don't we leave them alone, mates?" pleads Lupin "We really have no reason to be bothering them."
Suddenly Severus gets up and leaves the dining hall without a word
"Cousin wait!" I yell ignoring the looks from fellow students.
Chasing him out the hall I listen for his footsteps
Following the sound I quietly follow until right before he goes into his common room
He looks at me and waits till I reach him
"Why did you just get up and leave? You didnt need to do that."
Looking down at me from his tall figure, making me feel like a child
"Ali, I am what makes them pick on you. They're never gonna listen to Lupin, they're always going to want to bother me, and anyone who hangs around me."
"Cousin, they're gonna fuck with anyone. Regardless of if they consort with you or not. You know that."
"Yes but if you haven't noticed they have a strong preference for becoming annoying pests to me! Alexandra, they despise me and I don't even know what I did besides exist! I never even spoke to them before they came into Lily and I's cabin on the train right before our first day at Hogwarts four years ago. When they discovered I'd prefer Slytherin, they gave me a permanent sentence to be their target for any attack they chose. If anything, Lupin is at worst a lad that can't seem to muster up any of that famous Gryffindor courage to tell his friends to stop bullying people for the fun of it. Pettigrew? He's a pathetic boy who latched on to those arses because Merlin knows he'd be no-one without them, Potter has an obsession with Lily that who knows when it started but fuck does he let everyone know he has it and how bad it is, Lily is very uncomfortable around him 99% of the fuckin time!" stopping to take a breath and finishing with
"But Black, Black has literally no reason to want to make me miserable other then to make his, practically boyfriend, happy. It's ridiculous, he has no mind of his own, no deductive reasoning and they all swear that Slytherins are all slimey vipers that will all become blood supremasists!"
After a moment of silence I ask him
"Sevvy you wanna go outside and continue this talk?"
After breathing heavily for a moment he complies
Outside it's actually a pretty sunny day for a change, bird are chirping, few clouds, supremely blue sky. The grass we sit on under the Whomping Willow looks vibrantly verdent, even in the shade.
"I just don't understand what you could have done to piss them off." I start "All you did was say you wanted to be in Slytherin cause it's your family house and it suits you not Hehehe one day I will make sure no-one but I, Severus Tobias Snape and purebloods live on! For I will eradicate literally everyone else with my monster cock!" hoping to get him to crack a smile and succeeding as I hear him chuckling
"I don't know, I know I'm kind of a dark bloke, and that they tease everyone else as well. I just don't know why they like to bother me. I don't mean to sound like a whinger, it's just mind boggling." he says taking out a ciggarette
"You smoke Sev? Is that allowed on school grounds?"
"Ali they've let dragons onto school grounds, I'm sure a fag is perfectly fine."
Looking at the expression on my face he sighs before lighting up and lightly growls
"Alright, I know it's not a great habit to pick up but I'm perpetually stressed and I live in a not-terribly-pleasant area so forgive me for picking up a few flaws while being raised in Cokeworth, Ms.LosAngeles. Belt up." blowing smoke in my face "Sides, don't American muggles in California have some kind of intrigue with cannibis? Haven't you ever experimented with that?"
Puzzled I look at him
"No not really. I've thought about it since it doesn't have nearly as negative affects as ciggarettes do, but I figured I might want to start later rather then now just in case I react badly to it."
"I reckon that the smarter thing to do." he blows out along with his smoke
After a moment of comfortable silence I pipe up
"What does Lily think of all this? I mean doesnt Potter have some kind of creepy crush on her? Can't she convince him to leave us alone?"
"Lily is picked about half as much as I am, but she has tried to get them to stop. To no avail, obviously. 'Sides, she doesnt think it's that bad. When Potter had his 'nice act' up he filled her head with bollocks saying how all he does are harmless pranks, and how they've never seriously hurt anyone and how she should be more worried about my involvement in the dark arts. Ali I quite literally saw them hex a girl under her skirt for no reason other then to intimidate and harrass her. We were only in 2nd year too!  But god forbid I educate myself in the dark arts, merlin knows a chav like me from the slums of Cokeworth could have nothin good planned..." he exasperatedly takes a puff from his cig
"They're a nightmare. All four of them for different reasons."
"Yeah, I've figured that out. I just can't understand how Lily can believe anything those guys say." sighing
"Sev lunch is over. Do you still have a class to go to or are you free?"
"My last period is a free period so I'm just going to go to my common room. Not that I get any less harrassed there."
"What do you mean, cousin?"
"I mean, not all Slytherins are blood supremacists, but many are. Many also know I'm only a half-blood. Believe me it's not too fun feeling like you don't even belong in your own house. Hogwarts or muggle."
"I understand." I mutter
"No you don't, Alexandra. You empathize." almost glaring at me
"Your parents always wanted you, you are their greatest achievement and they wanted you exactly like you are. My father is disgusted by both my mother and I. He thinks we're freaks, mistakes made by nature. Something so abnormal, so strange he banned my mother and I from using magic while he's around. Even simple spells like accio set him on a tantrum. And my mothers family? They tbought I was an abomination, that my mother was a disgrace and that my father should rot. Other then Uncle Eli and you, mum and I don't have any family. Not real family anyway."
With tears prickling my eyes I grab him and pull him into what the clostest thing I can give to a bear-hug is, "You're right, I'm sorry cousin." letting the tears role down my face into the shoulder of his robes. He moves closer and hugs back, awkwardly since he's not one to hug often.
"Ali there's no need to cry, you have no idea how thankful I am to have you and your father as family. I didn't mean to upset you." he whispers in a somber tone,
"It's not that Sev, you didn't make me upset. You humbled me. As much as I hate to admit it, I need to be humbled from time to time."
Gently letting me go he smirks at me, putting out his cigarette
"You're flawed Ali, it's human. Believe me, you're speaking to the master of mistakes."
"What do you mean, cousin? You're a total perfectionist. I've seen you throw out entire batters of my cookies because they're not exactly how it says on the recipe."
Scoffing "Cookies, you sound so uncharacteristically childish when you call them that."
"Yes Severus, because biscuits is peak adult-like-ness."

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