My Girls 7

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(Her cousins Lola Therón {glasses}
and Sabrina Therón)

Alexandra's P.O.V
Isn't it just fantastic when the thing waking you up is a foreign, cranky owl screaching in your ear?
Looking up I see its not someone else's familial like I though it might be, its got a letter for me and it wants a treat. Which I can't help but relate to. Lethargically I push myself out of bed slightly startling the owl and I go and get some of Violet's sausage to give to the hungry postal worker.
As I jump back on my bed, I rip open the sealing on the letter and it reads so;
Hi baby! Hope you're having a good time at your new school in England, I don't know how long it'll take for you to receive this since the only form of comunication we can have is through letters, but I'm sending this on the 14th of October.
Anyhoo, I just wanted to let you know that your two cousins Lolita and Sabrina are going to be joining you at Hogwarts. We were lucky Albus made an exception for us on the account that were good friends, otherwise you girls would have had to wait until next year. You should be expecting your cousins to arrive on the 19th of October and join you in school on the following day.
Lola and Sabri are particularly excited about the boys, seeing as they love British accents and all. They're also excited to meet Severus, from the way you described him he seems like an interesting character.
Well, I'm off to work and I do hope you're having a pleasant time at school. It must be better then going to no-mag middle school. Te quiero mucho mucho mucho mijita!
Tia Margarita

My level of both excitement and dread couldn't be any higher at the moment. Dread because although I love my cousins, I also know them well enough to know the degree of trouble they cause. Namely Sabrina who although is a delight, I know she loves playing with people, assuming they're both on the same page as her then she ends up hurting them because she doesn't know when to stop. Loli is an emotional girl, and to have her meet the Marauders...I don't even want that mental picture.
Side note, today is the 19th...
I didn't even know what to expect when I was called to Dumbledore's office later that day. The emotions I was experiencing were conflicting heavily with each other and the fact that I barely had a hold on myself just added to that.
As I was about to knock on the giant door to Dumbledore's office, it opened on it's own and I was welcomed by the headmaster.
"Ah, Ms.Prince. Come in, come in. Lemon drop?" he extended his plate full of lemon drops in my direction as I neared his desk
"Yes please."
Gingerly I take one, and he sets the plate down.
"I trust you know some family members of yours are going to be joining you in your educational journey here at Hogwarts?"
"Yes sir. Although supposedly they were supposed to be here today and I just received the letter telling me they'd be here this morning."
"Yes well it takes quite some time for owls to get from America to Scotland. They're still living creatures after all, they must take breaks and such. Nevertheless you're informed, which is all you need. You cousins did get here this morning, but I'm afraid they've been delayed. They were in need of supplies and the like, so they've gone to Diagon Alley and won't arrive here until nightfall.
The reason I've called you here though Ms.Prince, is because I wanted you to show them what they are to do, their duties, essentially let them know what is expected of them."
Sitting, he puts away the candy and starts organizing his things. He seemed to have something on his mind.
"Is that it professor? You seem a little pensive."
"A keen eye you have Ms.Prince. Yes actually I do have something else I would like to talk to you about."
After a silent moment I speak up
"What would that be, Professor?"

"Ms.Prince, I notice you've been spending much time with Mr.Frayn. Jackson Frayn, in 5th year. As well as Mr.Snape, Ms.Evans and Ms.Gritt?"
Confused, I nod in agreement as he continues
"It seems to me, Ms.Prince that you strike the fancies of outcasts despite seemingly becoming quite popular at the moment of your arrival. I've never seen Ms.Gritt spending time with anyone. Not at dining hours, nor in classes. As for Mr.Snape and Ms.Evans, I've only really seen them with each other and Ms.Evans with a few of her housemates. Seems like the only non-outcast you've been spending much of you free time with is Mr.Frayn, and since he's started consorting with you, he's spent less and less time with his former friends. Friends he's had for over five years."
Feeling more then a little confused I croak out
"I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at professor. Is it bad that I've made friends with certain people?"
"Not exactly, although to be perfectly transparent Dear I don't fully understand why you would be consorting with Mr.Frayn, he seems much too old for you."

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