Solidifying It. 18

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Ali's P.O.V-

"So what you're asking me to do is, dive into a gross old river, go full mermaid, and lure your old, grimmy dad into the river while he's drunk so he can drown?" Sabrina asks while Severus and I explain everything to her. She missed a few parts but she has her job nailed down. And she's not thrilled about it.
"What made you think I'd be down for murder, you guys?" she asks
"You're generally quick to come up with ways to kill people or hurt them when they've wronged you even if it's something minor." I say
Severus says "You're remarkably good at lying even when someone asks you directly."
"You're small enough and cute enough that no one would suspect you did it, so you'd come out Scott-free."
"You seem to have a genuine hatred for my father, even though you haven't met him."
"You-" she interrupts me to say "Alright! I get it. To be fair I wouldn't jump as far as to say the man deserves death. Is there no other way to keep your mom safe and comfortable?" she asks
"Oh, you don't think he deserves death?" asks a hauty Severus
"Sev she doesn't know what he did." I say trying to calm him
"Fine, then let's let her know."
He continues to tell her everything he told me about what happened and why his mom is in more danger then ever. Her shock stays for a few moments and she eventually says
"Well, I know exactly what I have to do. When would we be doing this?" she asks
Once you have Sabrina's loyalty, it stays.
"Well that's the thing, you'll have to ask your parents to see if you could stay with me this summer. Its the only time we'd have." I explain.
"That'll be easy, my mom loves you."
She says smiling
"This isn't how I imagined my first murder going but I can't imagine doing it with anyone but you guys."
"Well that's surprisingly sweet given our morbid context." says Severus, with his note of dry humour.
"I'm just glad we'll be rid of him rather quickly."
"Agreed." I say, rubbing Sev's shoulder.
We're by Black Lake right now, watching the giant squids tentacles float and swim accros the water. It's March and ever since Sev told me what happened all the way back in January we've been planning Tobias' little permanent vacation.
"A right shame we couldn't do it in the winter." he says suddenly
"If Sabrina couldn't manage to drown him, or the alcohol, then the cold would've." he explains "It would've been more certain. Regardless, I'll make sure he's no longer in circulating his blood by the end of the summer."
After a moment of silent walking back to the castle, Sabrina asks "What if we can't manage this? What if we don't pull this off? Or what if we do and get caught?" she nearly whispers in a panicked tone
"There's always memory charms since well most likely not get caught by magic folk." I say
"And the trace? The Ministry of Magic knows when anyone under the age of 17 does magic."
"No." says Sev "They know where it's been done and if it's only a magical minor there, then they make the natural assumption it was them. However if we manage to keep one magical person within distance of where we would perform charms if need be then I can ask my mum to come outside. She would have no problem explaining what happened. Or at least what we tell her happened. Hell, something tells me even if we tell her the truth she would still support our statements."
"Fingers crossed, Cousin.." I say


"You know I always hated pink ice," I say spitting out an overly sweet pink, cold coconut chunk into the garbage can next to our beds "Why would you make me try it?" I ask Violet
"Thought it might be funny." she replies with a giggle
"Speaking of funny, what's up with you?" I ask politely
"What do you mean?"
"I mean when I got here back in September you were this shy, quiet girl that was so scared of not only teachers but of the Witless Wonders, you would avoid them like the plague in the halls and classes..."
"Honestly, I don't quite know myself. I mean, I suppose I just grew tired of feeling weak or ignored."
"Well that's upsetting." I say
"Not that you've changed necessarily but just that you changed because people made you feel ignored or overlooked. Did I ever make you feel that way, Vi?"
"No, at least not intentionally. You're very popular Ali, especially with the boys. You can't stretch your self so thin. But please don't feel bad, you became my friend and because of that people stopped thinking of me as the strange, pale girl who never spoke to anyone. You made me more popular by association, I've made friends with the type of people I never dreamed would even look at me."
"But still Vi, your former attitude was just as worthy as this one."
"Thanks Al."
She gets a curious look on her face and sporadically asks "Hey, what are you and Severus always whispering about?"
Without a second thought I answered "Family drama, nothing big just annoying. I don't wanna talk about it."
I suppose my curtness was enough to deter her from asking anymore questions so I left down to the commonroom before she could.
"Would you like to go down to the library to study with me? Flitwick's made it obvious he won't be going easy on us this week." she suggested
I quickly accepted and headed down with her, glad to have distraction from our pending chore.


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