Conjugal Infermary Visits and Scaley Tails 16

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Ali's P.O.V-
Jack's ankle has gotten better since last time I saw him but it still looks almost freakishly swollen. Madam Pomfrey says he wasn't just knocked off his broom, that it was a jinx.
"Something tells me the Witless Wonders had something to do with it." I sneered
"Well it surely wouldn't surprise me, love. My teammates really need me and they're out for blood searching for who did this. They hurt Henry too but he recovered in a night. Whoever's jinx hit me, then bounced of me to him and his knee swelled up a bit." Jack explains in his still usual relaxed demeanor.
"I'm sorry this happened Jackson, they really don't have anything better to do then torment everyone." apologizes Sev
"It's the fools they are, you have nothing to do with it Severus. Don't feel bad." he calms
"Does the coach know or have an idea at who could've done it?" he asks
"She's almost completely certain it was who we think it was but without evidence she can't do anything about it except for keeping a closer watch on them. If she can prove they did it she can cause them to forfeit the competition for House Cup." he elaborates to Sev
"Merlin Jack, your ankle looks awful." I remorse "Is there any way you could recover enough by the next game to teach those idiots a lesson?"
"No one knows, I may be here for weeks if the healing doesn't speed up." he says and puts his hand on my leg "I just hope you don't forget to visit me."
An awkward looking Severus sees that and takes it as his cue to leave us alone.
"Right then, I'll be by the lake smoking. Cheers."
Jack and I are left alone in the infermary and his hand is on my leg...huh.
"What are you thinking?" he asks after a moment of silence with a look of curiosity
"If you're in pain or not." Lie. I was thinking if he and I are together or just flirting, or friends who like each other or-
"Well it's more of a dull general pain most often, sometimes it'll feel like a sharp stab if I move too quickly. Now tell me what you were really thinking."
I pause to look at his blue-green eyes and say "I don't know, what we are. Or what I want or what you want."
"Do you have any suggestions?" he asks
"At what we should do?"
After a tense 20 seconds I say "Wait."
"I'm 13. My father would kill me and if we start now we might sabotage what could be great for the future."
"Care to elaborate, Darling?"
"You're amazing. And smart, funny, sweet, considerate. You're what I'd want for my future. And if we start being together now we might end up ruining something that wouldn't be ruined if we started when I'm say, 15 or 16 and not 13. And you'd be 17 or 18 not 15."
"I'm not 15 yet."
"But you will be."
"So if I'm grasping this correctly, you wanna procrastinate being with me?"
He asks looking almost insulted despite the fact that I just complemented him into the next century.
"No, not exactly."
"Then what? I've never been more confused."
"I wanna keep you around. I wanna make sure that if we get together we'll be able to handle it well. We're still stupid in a lot of ways."
"Alexandra, you're one of the most intelligent people I've ever met."
"Urgh, you are too Jack but I meant in terms of life. I exploded on Sev the other day and said some hurtful things because he said something mean about some kid I used to be friends with. That was stupid and hurtful and I acted impulsively and defensive. What if we got into a fight now as a couple and ended up hurting each other for something dumb?"
"That won't happen love."
"You don't know that. I'm not saying that it couldn't happen in the future either but it's less likely."
"So what are you saying? You don't want me?"
"Jack, I love you. That's why I think we should wait."
With a bitterly disappointed look on his face he says "Fine."
After a moment his face softens and says "I love you, too."

A few days later...

Sirius' P.O.V-

"Well you seem perfectly cheery this morning, Pads." I hear Prongs say from behind me
"Ali and Frayn have been spending less and less time together. I reckon they don't fancy each other anymore." I comment happily
"Is that so? Well that's great news for you." he says patting my back
"Yeah..." I say smiling
"Oi mate, have you got the notes for McGonagal's last class? I've a feeling if I don't study a little then I might actually fail this next exam."

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