Curious 19

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Sirius' P.O.V-
Well it's just unseasonably warm isn't it... I think as I take off my robes.  The lads follow suit and James crashes into his bed. 
   "Wouldn't get too comfortable there, mate.  We got quiditch in half an hour." I remind him
   "Oh please, it's hell outside. Coach can't possibly think we can work like this."
   "She thought we could work through lightning storms, I reckon she thinks a little sun is fine."
"It's March, still spring. Why's it so bloody hot?" Asks Peter, who's pink in the face and sweaty
"Muggles and such causing global warming from what I've read." Answers Remus.
  "I don't understand." 
"Apparently neither do muggles." He answered jocularly
    Outside I see Alexandra, Lola, Lily and Sabrina walking towards the Forbidden Forest.  Slowly I walk to the window and stay there until I see them sit right at the edge of the trees.
   "What's so interesting outside Pads?" asks James from behind me
   "Our girls are sitting outside the forest."
  "Our girls?" asks Re us
  "Lily, Ali and her cousins.  And I see Ghosty walking towards them too."
  I feel James walk up towards where I stand and watch what I'm seeing.
  "Well, reckon I've some studying to do.  I'll be in the library if I'm needed." anounces Rem before he shuts the door.
   "What do you reckon they're doin' there, mates?" asks Peter, now gawking at them
   "Well they just seem to be talking, probably just chick shit, lads." says James, going back to bellyflop on his bed
   "Yeah, probably.."

  Remus came back ages later, looking pink in the face and perspiring.
  "What happened Moon?  You look dreadful." asks Pete
   "Nothing, felt looking for a quick lap around Black Lake." he responds a little too quickly.
   "A lap?" I ask
  "Yeah.  A light nighttime run."
"A run?  You were running?" James asks
   "Yes!  I was feeling a little tight, you and Pad aren't the only athletes!" he snaps
   "Right!  Okay, no need to yell." I say
"Its just a tad odd, never seen you run before.  Much less at night."
  "Speaking of nighttime, the full moon is close again." says James changing the subject "We need to check on our animalistic progress.  How's tomorrow night sound?"
   "Same place as last time?  Because it seems compromised now." I say remembering the damn bracelet.
  "I'm sure they wouldn't be so stupid as to return to the same place. Besides, it would be too difficult to find a place secluded enough this late.  We're going." he concludes with Pete's nodding along
We all mumble back an agreement.

  Making sure everyone's asleep I run over to Moony's bed and poke his forehead
He stirs but makes a face
   I poke him again faster and say "Remuuuuuuus"
He woke up a little startled
   "Merlin, what Sirius?!"
   "Where were you tonight, really?" I ask not phased by his annoyance
   "With your mother, now go to sleep." he said turning around
   "That's preposterous, my mother doesn't like anyone."
   "Sirius, go to sleep.  I was going to a run, that's all."
"Because I wanted to!  Now go to sleep!"
   "Tell the truth!"
  "I am!  Go to sleep!"
"Fine!  Don't tell us!  But I will find out Moony!" 
   I bounce back into my bed and try to sleep


    "So you're worried, not because you managed to get yourself in detention for the 50th time in a row just this term and I say that with no exaggeration, but because you won't be able to see Alexandra as much?" Remus concludes, chuckling at me as we get out of Potions. 
   "Yes, as well as not being able to join Prongs with our regime of discipline towards the Greaseball." I said referring to Snape
   "I reckon if you all quit teasin Shape Ali would probably like you a lot better.  I mean just look at me, the whole hour I passed with her and not one insult towards me.  Tonnes to you and the lads, but I'm acceptable to her.  Don't you at least want to get the that level with her mate?"
   "Oh I want to get on every level with her, if you know what I mean."I say cheekily looking up at him "but she'll come around one way or another.  You'll see."
   "If you say so..."
"Well alright, if you're so smart Moon, then tell me what to do."
  "You could try not harrassing her and her friends."
   "Merlin that sounds boring.  I thought you were gonna suggest something like a seranade, or writing how I feel about her on the Quidditch field."
    "That sounds like the opposite of what she'd like."
"What girl doesn't want a sappy declaration of love in an extremely public way?"
  "Oh I don't believe that.  Ali acts like she's all tough and rugged but not only is she a daddy's little girl, she's a bleeding heart." I say to Remus' confused face
   "What do you mean she's a bleeding heart?"
   "I mean she protects her friends and family like a dragon.  Any time James and I have played even the most innocent of pranks she's not only attacked us but won and gotten us back 10-fold."
   "Well as much as you hate it, she is Greaseball's cousin.  All of them have a certain proclivity for the dark arts."
   "Do you honestly think Saint Frayn would tolerate his Ravenclaw Princess to participate that?"  Sam, a classmate of ours asks from behind us
   "You're in Ravenclaw, right?" asks Remus.
   "What do you know about Frayn and Ali?" I ask
   "I know Frayn can't shut his fat mouth about her.  I get it, she's well fit.  But he just won't stop going on about her, it's tired.  According to my sister she fancies him, too."
   "Oi, Sammy!"  
Some lads are gesturing for him to come over there
   "That's all I know.  See you in Trans fig." he said before running to his friends
   "Well that didn't tell us anything new." Remus said
   "I didn't know Alexandra had stated she fancies him back."
   "They kissed mate, I don't think she had to." 
   "A kiss doesn't have to mean anything.  I've kissed loads of people, didn't mean I cared about them."
    "That's because you have crippling self-esteem issues because you feel that your parents don't love you."
   "That's besides the point."

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