Espionaging About and Absurdity 10

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Sirius' P.O.V-
"Any progress on proving who did it Siri?" asks Remus as he combs through a book Alexandra recommended to him as he and Peter sit with me
"Not even an ounce. Not since the bracelet at least. Rina. I feel like there has to be someone with that name who I know."
"Maybe it's not her name, maybe it's a nickname. Like we call you Siri or Padfoot sometimes." pipped up Peter
"...That's not unlikely at all Wormy. Good thinking." I said
"Yeah well I really wanna know who did it too. Whoever was there stole the enchanted slingshot I had just bought from Zonco's." he admits begrudgingly
Chuckling, Remus and I ponder who Rina could be.
"Maybe short for Regina?" I say
"Like Regina Williams in 5th year, the Hufflepuff."
"Why would she want to destroy our path site? She has no reason to or anything against us in particular." States Remus
"Besides, she's really nice." adds Peter
"Then who?" I say, getting frustrated. Frankly I'm just relieved we know it's not Ali. Doesn't matter if it's one of her friends or her cousins. We could handle that. But I don't think I could bring myself to hurt her.

Hearing the door to our commonroom open, we see James walking in.

"Fellas, how's the hunt going?"

He asks

"I thought maybe Regina Williams but that doesn't really make sense." I answered

"I just finished looking in that area too but I couldnt find anything else that could help us." he said with a frustrated look on his face

"Mates do you think this was even on purpose? Maybe it was just a creature from the forest you happened to pass by there. Maybe a Nargal stole the bracelet from a student." suggested Moony

"You believe in Nargals Moony? That's ridiculous, don't be naïve. No, this was someone that wanted to hurt us. They knew this would anger us so they did it and now they think they can get away with it." answered Prongs almost venemously "and you're right, Regina wouldn't do something like that."

"Maybe we should take a break. Exhausting our minds trying to figure something out also doesn't help us. C'mon lads, let's go to the kitchens. Maybe one of the elves can give us a small treat to feed our thoughts." suggested Remus

Peter was the first out the door at this suggestion


In the kitchens

"Mate", I said calling James' attention "What if it is Ali, or one of her mates like Lily. I can't bring myself to hurt her and I know you'd hate hurting Lily." I ask, honestly concerned at the thought of having to hurt either one. I know they don't particularly like us, but we both really love them. Even if they can't see it yet.

Sighing he replies "I don't know, mate. I don't like the idea of hurting Lily, or Alexnadra for that matter. If it's Snivellous or Ghosty I think we can take them. Alexandra's cousins, well, I've seen how they work. Lets just say I'd be weary of starting something with them. And Frayn well, being honest he's a pretty smart bloke. One of the most talented in the school according to McGonagall. But if we gang up we might be able to take them down individually." he concludes

"Yeah but Prongs, would you really feel okay knowing you've hurt her? Even if it was just hurting her friends and not her directly?" I probe

"It wouldn't feel good, obviously. But we have to make sure they fear us."

He maintained as he had in the forest.
Heading back the the common room I see Patty, an aquaintence of Alexandra talking to Lucy Talkalot

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