Favourite Class and Rumors 6

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Ali's P.O.V-

Divination is becoming my all-time favorite subject. The professor is so genuinely invested and so passionate about the topic.

I don't understand why my parents never bothered to teach me. Especially my mom, I mean this shit's is far out. Reading tea leaves, looking into a crystal ball, tarot cards. I mean this is spiritual! This dives into your very core! Of course if there is anyone who could ruin this hour of what should be bliss for me, it's Black. Pity I don't have Lupin sitting here next to me instead, granted this isn't his favorite subject, but he's certainly a better partner for this then Black.

"Alright class" the breathy voice of the professor interrupts my thoughts

"Today we'll be looking not at cards or crystal balls"

In my ear I hear the cloying voice of Black cheekily whisper

"Although you can certainly look at my crystal balls, love."

Smirking I reply

"Crystal? Because they're easy to break?"

Hotly he whisper yells "No!"

Giggling I get back to what the professor is saying

"Today class, we'll be merely using the balls to look deeply into ourselves. Then later into our partners."

That last part shocked me. Hurridly I raise my hand

"Yes Ms.Prince?"

"I'm sorry professor, I might have misheard but did you say 'then later into our partners'?"

Chuckling she replies

"Yes dear you heard correctly. Though to really be able to look into others, you first have to be able to read yourself like your favourite book."

Dread fills me up to my neck, I don't want Black reading into me like some kind of Playboy he probably owns. I don't want him knowing anything about me! Let alone be able to read into me.

Chasing after the professor as she's reaching for the crystals, I call out

"Professor!" in a less then discreet way

Startled she looks back at me

"What is it now dear?"

"Can we switch partners? Please?"

"Oh no no no love. 'Fraid I can't allow that. If you're seated where you are its for a reason, how you chose to sit and where says a lot about you. Can't go on changing things like that all willy-nilly. Now go on Miss, back to your seat."

Internally sobbing, I go back to my seat welcomed by a smug looking Sirius Black.

"What's wrong, beautiful? Got things you feel you should hide from me? Juicy secrets, white lies? Not to worry, I'm a grave, I won't tell a single soul, lovely." he claims chortling

Well, think about it Ali. This could also work in your advantage too. Find out his dirty laundry, his worst memories, his darkest, most embarrassing secrets, his biggest lies..this could be fun for you. I think to myself and perk up.

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