A Far Out Plan 13

546 19 4

Ali's P.O.V-

The smoke from Sev's cigarette hits me in the face. The smell's starting to become comforting, Sev's like a big brother to me and now I associate that scent with him. That and random Potion fumes from whatever he was working on that night. Hmm; Potion Fumes and Cigarette Smoke. Sounds like a song title.
"Ali, are you alright?," I hear Sev ask, pulling me from my daze
"you seem distracted."
Shaking my head I say "Yeah I'm fine, just kind of annoyed."
I start pulling out some strands of grass from the ground and he asks
"How are Lola and Sabrina? They having a nice time in America?"
"They're happy to see their families again, and mine. They miss us though, and because they're in Florida they don't get snow or really look like you're traditional Christmas season."
He makes a face and says "I don't know how it could feel like Christmas without snow. Although I guess I wouldn't really know what a true Christmas feels like, what with dear old Dad getting wasted at a bar and coming home angry at my mother for not cooking a Christmas feast on the pitiful salary he gets and how he drinks it all away. My mother and I both end up with bruises or cracked ribs. Happy Christmas to us.."
Saddened he looks down and takes another hit then sighs "I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from. How melodramatic of me."
"Sev that's not being melodramatic, that's being human." I say, reaching to grip his hand to comfort him.
He notices a bruise on my wrist
"When did this happen?"
I quickly pull my hand away and pull down my sleeve
"Uh, I can't remember."
"Why did you pull away so quickly?".
"It's just not important, Sev. Don't worry about it."
"Let me see, I could probably get rid of it."
He gently takes my hand and pulls out his wand
As he said that a slight link light came out of his wand and melted into my wrist, the bruise was gone.
"Now are you gonna tell me who did that? Cause it looked like a hand-print and I doubt anyone who'd do that to you by accident is still here, such as Lola or Violet."
Sighing I say "I had kind of a fight with Black.."
Now his eyes full of alert and worry "A fight with Black?! Ali are you insane?! We told you to stay away from him!"
"And I did! He came to me while I was minding my own business by the lake, thinking about Jack!"
"Alright, what does 'kind of a fight' mean?"
"Well I was sitting by Black Lake and he sneaks up behind me and scares me. Then he starts talking about how we should be friends and that he'd like a threesome or something with Lola, Sab and I. Then when I basically tell him to dream on, he got annoyed. He says no one in our family can take a joke, so then I get annoyed, get up and try to leave and when I do, he grabs my wrist and pulls me back and tries to act all sincere. Then he starts talking about how I'm different and when I tell him to fuck off with the different bullshit he gets irritated and says something about how I should listen to orders. He's still not letting go of my wrist so I hit him with a stupify and run."
Whenever Sev is angry, it's scary. But not for the reason someone would think. He's a silent type of angry. The type of angry that seems like everything is fine and something just mildly disturbed him for a second when really he's already got 7 fool-proof plans to make your death look accidental. This is what he's like at his angriest, this façade of cool melts away once he's alone or around people he feels should see that. Certainly has his mother to thank for that ability to conceal his emotions.
After a moment of silent anger on his side, and anticipation what what he'll say next in mine, he speaks up
"A right pig, he is..."
"I know, I left disgusted by what he said. Jack would've gone red if he'd been there."
"I'm sure, he's quite fond of you. And you seem pretty smitten with him, yourself."
Smiling I respond "I really, really like him, Sevvy. I mean he's so smart and sweet. He's a really down-to-earth guy, he's not like a casanova or anything like that. Actually he's kinda dorky, but I like it. Merlin, he's just so far out!"
Smirking he responds "I'm sure he's great Ali, he seems like a good lad. But just out of safety, don't let Black hear you talking like that."
"Pfft, I'm not afriad of the big bad Black. I took care of him pretty easily over by the lake."
"Yes I know Ali, and that's wonderful but you got lucky. That might not always be the case, and I don't want you getting hurt or humiliated because he decided he's tired of playing nice."
"Bugging me constantly and hurting my friends and family was playing nice?!"
"I never said the boy was a saint."
"You're kidding to the max, he's not playing nice. I'm pretty sure he's not even playing..."
"Ali please just promise me you won't try to tempt him?"
"I never do, Sev!"
"Please Ali, spare me. Of course you do! You egg him on like it's a game, Black specifically. Potter focuses mainly on me, Lupin tries his best to keep his head down unless his friends absolutely need him, and Wormtail is about as threatening as a limp umbrella. Since you've gotten here Black has focused almost entirely on you and at random times decides to roll back around with screwing me over with good old James for old times sake. And you try your damnest to help me along with the girls but at some points not only does it get emasculating but it's not necessary. I'd much rather you and the girls protect yourselves, I can handle the Witless Wonders."
"What does emasculating mean?"
"It means I feel like there's nothing between my legs and I'm being treated like a child."
"Merlin, way to get graphic."
"You asked." he said, finishing his cig.
"So, are we in agreement then?"
"Alright alright, I'll lay off the taunting."
"Thank you, I truly need the peace of mind."

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